
Latest version: v3.4.2

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Not secure
* features:
- 365 Removing setuptools
- 362 Change Name="..." to title="..." in plotting/file/
- 355 Note about dependencies to install PyAudio successfully in debian-based systems
- 337 Simplify plotting module and make auto-documentable
- 336 Added redis-server to note about low level dependencies.
- 344 add elements data and example
- 328 Added a note about the need of some low level dependencies.
- 325 Change grunt devdeploy to grunt deploy
- 321 Add contributors.rst file
* bugfixes:
- 354 Axes properties do not seem to update.
- 320 Unable to execute: redis-server
- 315 Better fix for gevent's KeyError issue
- 314 Properties aren't checking for attrs on backbone views/models
- 313 Better error message from subprocess.Popen() and fix KeyError issue again
- 311 Make Bootstrap's JS not interfere with IPython's notebook (260)


Not secure
* features:
- 206 Rename "zoom tool" to "wheel zoom tool"
- 216 Add 'legend' Method to Retrieve Current Legends
- 220 Put bokehjs on a cdn
- 222 bokeh-server ImportError handler just prints the error message
- 223 Resolution on Time Axis in 'datetime' Plot is Very Coarse
- 227 dev setup for bokehjs
- 228 Direct column datasource
- 233 Scroll zoom for XY-Axes and independent X- and Y-Axis
- 234 Python 3 support
- 241 Bollinger band examples
- 244 css paths were missing "http://"
- 248 BaseGlyph testing and refactoring test_properties
- 252 Adding mpg dataset
- 253 Feature/embed issues
- 254 Restored Python 3 compatibility
- 255 Make gevent optional - websockets wont' work, but that's mostly ok
- 256 More tests and a fix
- 257 Feature/selection
- 259 Remove ObjectArrayDatasource and replace them with column data sources
- 260 output_notebook() breaks the file/edit/etc. toolbar in IPython Notebook examples
- 261 Improved sessions, bug fixes and headless testing of examples
- 262 Adding link to actual webpage for tutorial information
- 272 Circles should default to size/screen units like other markers
- 273 scatter() should not special-case circle radii anymore
- 274 Use "marker" for scatter(...) argument
- 276 Update examples to use simpler specification for 'size'
- 277 Replace deprecated 'type' parameter with 'marker' in examples
- 278 remove bower dependecy
- 279 Use [0...a.length] instead of [0..a.length-1]
- 280 Add eco task to watch list in
- 283 Improve dev docs about how to build bokehjs
- 285 Start of some tests for bokeh.protocol
- 288 Changes to server plots not showing automatically
- 291 Better ticking for datetime data (and regular data)
- 292 Fixes to make CDX work with bokehmaster
- 293 More Tests
- 296 Add support for color mapped and rgba images from python
- 299 Don't special-case ColumnDataSource in
- 314 Properties aren't checking for attrs on backbone views/models
- 313 Better error message from subprocess.Popen() and fix KeyError issue again
- 312 Automatically activate pan tool on mousedown
- 307 Remove event sinks
- 303 Axes not showing up on line plot in spectrogram
- 301 Set cursor matching active tool during dragging
- 300 Fix tools so that keypress doesn't trigger tool activation
* bugfixes:
- 208 SyntaxWarning: import * only allowed at module level
- 211 Fix broken links in README to demos
- 212 Expose legend positioning via Python API
- 214 label_text_align and label_text_baseline duplicated in
- 224 select tool only draws selection bounds when moving the mouse
- 226 tool sometimes switches to pan with no notification for the user
- 235 Select then Zoom out creates rendering errors
- 154 Another issue Json fault
- 229 KeyError with bokeh-server
- 238 'color' Argument of bokeh.plotting.text Ignored
- 239 Error when executing burtin.ipynb
- 240 Setting range requires having a second renderer
- 243 Output .html file breaks if directory changes
- 246 Pull function is broken - it calls session.load, which doesn't exist...
- 247 Running the bokehserver with splitjs False and devjs True does not work.
- 250 Bugfix/build error
- 251 Semi-fixing hold behavior for notebook
- 265 Problem with Pattern property
- 266 Legend text color changing unexpectedly
- 269 text_color should not use get_default_color() as-is?
- 270 hold(1) does not work with patches and circle
- 271 Alpha not treated correctly as a data spec
- 281 Text baseline not being respected
- 282 Bokeh server tests error
- 295 Fix issues with require.config()
- 297 Datarange1d computes start/end incorrectly when single points are negative
- 306 bokehjs demos broken


Not secure
* features:
- 68 Remove guidespec and bake the attributes directly into the GuideRenderer
- 158 Made FAQ fonts consistent
- 157 xaxis, etc should return collection object
- 151 Merge BokehJS repository
- 129 The sampledata download is confusing
- 105 All of the glyph examples have the same color
- 82 Improve hold() functionality in notebook
- 163 Rebuild only files that changed
* bugfixes:
- 155 ColumnDataSource does not update column_names
- 152 Possible to have two Preview/Save tools
- 150 If you plot circles that all have a position (0,0), there is a crash
- 131 "Fork me on github" corner banner appears underneath some text boxes
- 117 axis_line_color=None does not work
- 162 Preview save tool broken
- 199 Setting renderer.root_url has no effect


Not secure
* features:
- 73 Update to take an alternate download directory
- 89 Need better message if user forgets output_file(), etc
- 90 Need better message if output_notebook is used outside a notebook
- 71 Add datetime axis from bokehj
- 70 Use request animation frame where possible
- 65 Make colors representable by DataSpecs.
* bugixes:
- 98 line() without line_color does not render
- 112 Add missing requirements, include bokeh.vendor into build
- 115 Plotting a single point in causes javascript error in ticking
- 77 colorspec on Grid and Axis objects not serialized
- 76 Cannot find redis.conf
- 69 None does not pass as null to bokehjs
- 55 The last plot in a page full of plots behaves weird when the Zoom tool
button is depressed
- 54 legend rendering bug in plotting/file/
- 75 Why are our rectangle borders goofy-looking?


* improve error messages on server examples


* initial release

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