
Latest version: v3.4.2

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* bugfixes:
- 1329 [widgets] Daterangeslider re-sizing
- 2268 [widgets] Daterangeslider not rendering
- 4048 Bounds on axis causes axis labels to go off page
- 4876 [layout] Tile attribution misaligned (see toolbar on right-side example)
- 6842 [component: docs] Bokeh.models.widgets.sliders is missing from the reference documentation menu
- 6844 [notebook] Bug: is broken
- 6850 [layout] [regression] Log-axis label layout issue
- 6852 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Hovertool not rendering on hbar glyphs in 0.12.7
- 6859 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Dateformatter not working in tables
- 6860 [component: examples] Patch
- 6873 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Unable to render <, >, & in datatable
- 6880 [widgets] Datatable rendering broken in notebook
- 6885 [component: docs] Typo in edgesandlinkednodes docstring
- 6898 [component: docs] [doc] adjust docstring indentation
- 6908 [component: bokehjs] [notebook] [regression] Running output_notebook with hide_banner=true broken
- 6909 [notebook] Notebook output generates console errors
- 6922 [notebook] Unprotected ipython imports break bokeh without notebook installed
* features:
- 994 Text doesn't respect new lines
- 5984 Improve data transfer, using a binary transfer protocol
- 6865 Allow supplying explicit edge paths to graphrenderer
- 6876 [component: bokehjs] New feature: add a "resettool clicked" event
- 6895 Bokeh daterangeslider returns tuple of integers instead of dates
* tasks:
- 2458 [component: examples] Add examples for daterangeslider and datepicker
- 5065 Task: refactor select tools
- 6472 [layout] Make layout canvas' panels not overlap in corners
- 6560 Using ``export_png`` or ``save`` without filename from within jupyter notebook saves png file to lib/python
- 6612 Task: graph visualization improvements
- 6700 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] [notebook] Bokeh / jupyterlab integration
- 6819 [component: tests] Switch examples tests to use python 3.5 or 3.6
- 6832 Simplify data frame length calculation
- 6837 Remove mpl and bokeh.charts
- 6847 Check nodejs version number and update documentation
- 6851 Plots which contain glyph's with infinite bounds fail to set initial ranges when match_aspect is set to true
- 6869 [component: bokehjs] Remove leftover code after pr 6752
- 6878 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] Bryanv/document cleanup
- 6888 Add trace log level on python side
- 6902 Add network-related sample data source


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 515 Line plots render selections wierd
- 516 Labels on axis do not like ":" character ;-)
- 517 Better control over data/screen aspect ratios needed for large circles
- 2240 Tick format language
- 2527 [widgets] Rendered slider* plots have missing bk-* classes
- 3466 [geo] Consider for deprecation
- 3935 [component: server] [component: tests] How to get the server examples testable again
- 4295 [component: bokehjs] Investigate disabling user-select
- 4337 Plot blank if categorical label too long
- 4503 [component: bokehjs] Date picker widget is unstyled
- 4507 [widgets] Problem rendering un-wrapped sliders
- 4599 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Wrapping output in center tag causes toolbar misalignment
- 4880 Error plotting dates before 1970 (on windows?)
- 4972 [layout] Plot collapses on adding multiple labels above/below the plot if title='none' not specified in plot()
- 6121 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Autocomplete input appearance differs between notebook and html file output
- 6185 [component: server] Unable to interactively update renderer (i.e. circle, triangle, etc.) size using bokeh server
- 6279 [component: docs] Documentation link not working right
- 6308 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Sliders :: customjs can not dynamically change title
- 6450 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Canvas outline does not cover top of canvas
- 6464 [component: build] Examples upload failed on full release build
- 6474 [layout] New panels to a tabs widget does appear
- 6478 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Editable data tables not modifying python - bokeh server 0.12.6
- 6486 [component: build] Revert conda build to --no-test
- 6501 [component: bokehjs] [regression] [widgets] Multiselect selection highlight no longer present when programmatically selected
- 6507 [component: docs] User guide docs clerical error
- 6509 Bokeh png command doesn't maximize window to capture entire output
- 6514 New phantomjs sessions spawned inside despite driver arg
- 6525 [component: tests] Py.test bokeh/tests/ doesn't kill phantomjs precesses
- 6535 [component: tests] [regression] Py.test reports for integration tests are broken
- 6549 [typescript] Upgrading to typescript=2.4.1 breaks gulp build task
- 6571 [component: build] Export google_api_key in test:docs
- 6576 [API: plotting] [component: bokehjs] [regression] Bokehjs' plotting api broken after pr 6260
- 6578 [component: tests] [regression] No link to integration tests' report after pr 6542
- 6592 [regression] [webgl] Save tool not functioning for webgl backend figures 0.12.6 regression
- 6593 [component: bokehjs] Vbars with negative y/height do not work with hover
- 6606 [component: docs] "taptool" is incorrectly called "tapselecttool" in the reference documentation
- 6616 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Pre-selection on rows in a bokeh datatable fails to display such selection
- 6620 [component: build] Scipts/ only works in the root environment.
- 6628 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] [regression] Filterable cds broke cds streaming
- 6642 [component: examples] [regression] [widgets] Export_csv example under 0.12.7dev11 doesn't resize table
- 6653 Typeerror: 'unicode' does not have the buffer interface
- 6679 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] [notebook] [regression] Bokehjs fails to load at all in notebooks after 0.12.7dev12
- 6725 Bug: linked selection example doesn't work
- 6730 [component: bokehjs] Setting range_padding to 0 can lead to an empty plot
- 6731 Setting visible=false doesn't work with glyph functions
- 6736 [component: bokehjs] Attaching ajaxdatasource to multiple glyphs leads to multiple ajax requests
- 6739 [component: docs] Plots don't render in dev docs due to missing resources
- 6740 Graphrenderer doesn't correctly handle single node graphs
- 6755 [component: bokehjs] Colormapper special colors do not support alpha
- 6757 [component: examples] Examples/app/spectrogram bug
- 6786 [component: bokehjs] Label using screen units bound to frame is positioned relative to canvas
- 6808 [component: bokehjs] [notebook] [regression] Nbconverted static notebooks fail to render
- 6809 [component: bokehjs] [notebook] [regression] Inline, minified resources do not work in classic notebooks
- 6829 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Degraded hovertool performance in 0.12.7rc4
* features:
- 187 Support graphs/trees/networks
- 474 Easily control aspect ratio
- 4070 Plotting with subsets (row-wise) of columndatasources (like filtered data)
- 4538 [starter] Allow layout function to accept arbitrarily nested lists
- 5992 Pass http request arguments to autoload_server and pull_session
- 6375 [component: build] Developer docker tools
- 6492 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Expose textinput type as a property of widget. (for password typing)
- 6598 [component: server] [notebook] Server url hard coded as localhost. with possible fix
- 6601 [component: bokehjs] Add major_label_overrides to colorbar
- 6621 [component: server] Add metadata support to bokeh server
- 6667 Creating a columndatasource with a dataframe makes it impossible to use streaming
- 6709 [component: bokehjs] Increase the number of zoom levels available to bokeh tile sources
- 6788 [notebook] Make notebook display extendible by external libraries
* tasks:
- 2452 [component: examples] [widgets] Add examples with widgets using plotting interface
- 3245 [component: docs] List methods at top of documentation for figure class
- 3517 Hovertool fails for rects with only negative heights
- 3917 [component: docs] [component: examples] (re)move `tests/compat`, `tests/glyphs`, `tests/notebook`
- 4196 Remove the resize tool?!
- 4752 [component: docs] 0.12: missing `toolbar_sticky` documentation on migration guide
- 4859 [component: docs] Bokeh plot in jupyter slides not rendered corretly
- 5431 [component: server] [enh] bokeh server to show url
- 5502 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Consider nouislider to replace all our slider widgets
- 5506 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Fix datepicker widget
- 5596 [widgets] Fix/drop autocompleteinput
- 5628 [component: examples] Add synthetic data mode to spectrogram
- 6283 [component: build] [component: tests] Implement travisci stages to improve ci builds
- 6291 Add "png" bokeh command
- 6332 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Remove css 'bk-' prefixing
- 6369 Add height/width kwargs to to support resizing the exported png
- 6377 [component: docs] Docs suggest `text_align` property works on figure titles but it doesn't
- 6395 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Investigate errors with ts-node 4.0.5
- 6439 [component: server] Server(..., io_loop=io_loop, num_procs=0) --> runtimeerror
- 6441 [component: tests] Enable exclusion of selenium tests for static image export
- 6453 [component: examples] [starter] Numpy runtime warning in missing data example
- 6455 [API: models] Drop tool.plot property
- 6467 [component: build] Start building new conda no-arch packages for bokeh channel
- 6480 convert_datetime_type breaks when passed timezone aware datetime
- 6487 Remove all 0.12.4 deprecations
- 6496 [component: docs] Reference docs are missing bokeh.models.scales automodule
- 6497 [component: build] Update linux dist on travisci
- 6512 Bokeh 0.12.6 incompatible with python 2.7.9?
- 6521 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] Deprecate toolevents
- 6529 [component: build] Only run js tests on py3 builds for now
- 6530 [component: build] Split bokeh-widgets into bokeh-widgets and bokeh-tables
- 6532 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Remove bokehjs/src/vendor and all associated logic
- 6543 Remove requests as runtime dependency?
- 6546 [component: tests] Set initial date in date picker in models/file/widgets
- 6550 [component: docs] Image for jitter example on gallery does no reflect example
- 6557 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Simplify bokehjs' build
- 6563 [component: build] Fix up stages install order issues
- 6568 [component: build] Hotfix for travisci log truncation
- 6577 setter argument is not documented
- 6581 Deprecate openurl?
- 6584 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Add a sample configuration for bundling with webpack
- 6596 [component: docs] Add typescript version of
- 6619 [component: examples] Examples/howto/server_embed uses sample data from web that no longer works
- 6627 [component: docs] Add additional instructions to /docs/dev_guide/setup.html
- 6629 [component: docs] Reference documentation missing bokeh.application and bokeh.command
- 6634 [component: examples] Add example of custom tooltip to example library
- 6651 [component: docs] Documentation for `crosshairtool` not updated
- 6658 Task: add polyselecttool callback attr
- 6684 [component: docs] Following dev documentation fails for a clean conda env
- 6687 [component: docs] Bug in "running a bokeh server" page
- 6700 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] [notebook] Bokeh / jupyterlab integration
- 6715 Remove deprecated functions
- 6717 [component: docs] Update docstring to reflect changes released in 0.12.0
- 6721 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Drop tsx templates
- 6747 Task: expose webdriver as kwarg to export_png and export_svgs
- 6750 [component: docs] 0.12.7 docs/examples
- 6762 [component: server] [component: tests] Random data in server examples causes image diff to fail
- 6791 Task: refactor jupyter notebook integration to use custom mimetypes
- 6796 [component: examples] Add examples from tutorial
- 6800 [API: models] [widgets] Automatic configuration of slider.format
- 6810 Call load_notebook via notebook hook
- 6823 [component: bokehjs] Improve styling of slider widget


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 2136 Selections only work on the last of two series in one plot
- 2680 Non-unit specs accept still allow `units` field
- 3386 `property.__delete__` does not send a change notification
- 3564 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Getting values of selected rows from a datatable after reordering with sort
- 3838 Push_notebook doesn't seem to work display updated table content
- 4294 [notebook] Replace table source
- 4433 [layout] Gallery example issues
- 4657 [regression] Adding an unwrapped widget to document, may not render properly
- 4764 [component: server] [layout] Issue with interactions between widgets and plots using bokeh server
- 4810 [component: server] [layout] Trouble swapping out layout contents when using server
- 4829 [layout] Tabs only consisting of datatables not drawn correctly
- 4872 [component: server] Arrows not updating from streaming data source
- 5044 Shift selection in linked brushing plots
- 5131 [layout] [widgets] Unexpected initial layout with datatable and layout()
- 5198 Hovertool line_policy 'nearest' 'next' not working
- 5207 [widgets] Need to resize window before datatable row labels show up
- 5246 [component: tests] [regression] Py.test prints garbage when there is a syntax error in *.py files
- 5499 [component: bokehjs] Datetimes on plot are always treated as local time and shifted to utc
- 5518 [layout] Add new child to existing column
- 5634 [component: docs] Fix documentation of 'bokeh html'
- 5811 [component: bokehjs] Vbar width not updating correctly when too many things updated through `push_notebook`
- 5856 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Plot becomes unresponsive when button widget is appended to layout
- 5907 Hover inspection does not work for all glyphs
- 5914 [component: bokehjs] Unable to right align tick labels
- 5967 [layout] Unexpected behavior when deleting from layout.children
- 6005 [component: bokehjs] Box select rendered incorrectly on bokehjs linked example
- 6035 Na values correctly skipped in linear scale but not in log scale
- 6047 [component: docs] User_guide/embed.rst still references collections
- 6080 [component: server] Prefix bug on "active bokeh applications" page
- 6085 [component: bokehjs] Hover tooltips update impossible
- 6091 [layout] Sizing_mode breaks gmap alignment
- 6095 `imageurl.{w,h}` use data units by default
- 6104 [component: build] Twine upload in build/upload release script incorrect
- 6105 [component: build] auto-generates a bad empty string classifier
- 6108 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] Error using datarange1d with auto start/end and datetimeaxis
- 6111 [component: docs] Fix typo in selection documentation
- 6115 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Descending order with tablecolumn still ascending
- 6120 [component: bokehjs] Hover responds to hidden data when legend.click_policy = 'hide'
- 6123 [component: bokehjs] [regression] [widgets] Rangeslider bug
- 6124 [component: bokehjs] Update core/dom.ts to work with upcoming typescript 2.3.0
- 6127 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Issue upgrading from bokeh 0.12.4 to 0.12.5 with ie 11
- 6130 [component: bokehjs] Multiline hit_test fails if line_width property utilized
- 6142 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Regression in legend positioning
- 6152 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] Bokeh server is incompatible with tornado=4.5
- 6156 [component: build] [component: docs] Optimized python execution fails due to missing __doc__ instantiation
- 6199 [component: server] sets binary type incorrectly
- 6205 [component: tests] Typescript 2.3.0 breaks customjs tests
- 6207 [component: bokehjs] [regression] [widgets] Htmltemplateformatter still uses underscore
- 6208 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Possible to use gesture tools after disabling in toolbar
- 6210 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Bokehjs doesn't work in notebook
- 6212 [regression] Issue with test build 0.12.6dev3 on windows 7 with ie11
- 6213 [component: bokehjs] [layout] [regression] Appending layout regression
- 6226 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Update coffee-script's version to 0.12.5+
- 6238 [component: bokehjs] Mousewheel event: delta=none at all times
- 6244 [component: build] Fails to build in windows 7
- 6248 [API: plotting] [regression] Gmap not configuring mercator tick formatter
- 6252 [component: examples] Embed multiple sample data mismatch length
- 6261 [component: bokehjs] [layout] [regression] Adding new sub-layouts fails to set documemt
- 6263 [regression] Plot validation doesn't happen for non-application layouts
- 6301 Yahoo ichart api is failing, should use stock data from bokeh.sampledata.stocks
- 6311 [regression] Spectrogram performance regression
- 6316 Bug in screendistancespec serialization
- 6319 [component: server] Bokeh server does not close http sockets
- 6328 [component: bokehjs] [notebook] Gmap in notebook unreliable again
- 6343 [component: examples] Scale/range incompatibility in examples/models/server/
- 6365 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Imagergba error during change events
- 6366 Webgl isn't correctly deprecated bokeh 0.12.6dev7
- 6388 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Selection tool regression
- 6391 [component: build] Bokehjs' build uses gulp 3.x but types/gulp 4.x
- 6393 [regression] Modifying datasources broken
- 6397 [component: server] More explicit match cases
- 6398 [regression] [webgl] All webgl examples fail
- 6400 [component: bokehjs] [regression] example broken
- 6402 [widgets] Disabled button raises button click protocol event
- 6411 [regression] Matches() is broken when pandas is not installed
- 6416 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Hovertool broken with multi_line plots in 0.12.5
- 6433 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Selecting a line from a multi-line when one is already selected causes an error
- 6443 Svg images are incorrectly smoothed
- 6449 [component: bokehjs] [notebook] Protect against exceptions when running inline code
* features:
- 538 Headless static (svg, png) image generation
- 1239 Hover.tooltip convenience function for 'datetime' info
- 1482 [starter] Datarange1d.rangepadding should allow "fixed" values
- 1671 [starter] Allow users to specify explicit tick labels
- 2352 Feature request: error bar plots
- 5430 [component: docs] [enh] help widget tuned for end user
- 5599 [component: bokehjs] Feature: hover tool inspector default
- 5831 Numberspec coordinates should accept datetimes
- 5885 [notebook] Support embed bokeh into apache zeppelin
- 6044 "columns must be of the same length" warning does not show context
- 6064 [component: bokehjs] Remove the hover menu item, and keep the hover function working
- 6081 Feature request: add support for user-defined custom mappers
- 6161 [component: bokehjs] Extend hit testing and hover support to segment
- 6186 Themes not applied in `file_html`
- 6285 [component: bokehjs] Extend patching to sub-items
- 6286 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Enabling/ disabling re-ordering of columns in datatable (freezing columns in place)
* tasks:
- 1833 Make get_version consistent between pip-intalled and conda-intalled devel builds
- 2595 [component: docs] Update hovertool's documentation with field formatting, etc
- 2984 [component: docs] Update sphinx version to fix documentation parsing issues for google style docstrings
- 3016 [component: docs] Axis location must be set on creation (documentation fix)
- 3656 [component: docs] Docs on widgets & interactions should link to the callbacks & events section
- 4153 [component: bokehjs] Strict trigger() and listento()
- 4449 [component: bokehjs] Ensure canvas state reset at start of drawing
- 4948 [starter] Plot title ignores sizing and appears italicized if number is provided but no units are specified
- 5007 [component: examples] [starter] Update unemployment examples
- 5268 [component: bokehjs] Improve mappers' inheritance structure
- 5694 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] Report code coverage for bokehjs unit tests
- 5819 [component: docs] Why i can't use operurl in widget callback (e.g. button callback)?
- 5854 [component: bokehjs] Enable typescript's strictnullchecks
- 5879 [component: examples] [component: tests] Make "bokeh finished rendering heuristic" work with non-plot examples
- 5950 [component: docs] Expose all json representations in one place
- 5951 [component: docs] Sphinxext.bokeh_plot broken
- 6040 [component: docs] Callback.rst documentation incomplete
- 6079 [component: docs] Clarify docs for hovertool
- 6088 [component: examples] Fixing up examples/models/file/
- 6102 [component: build] Have deploy script use github api token to avoid rate-limiting issues
- 6113 [component: build] Pypi release includes `scripts`?
- 6125 [component: bokehjs] Use nounusedlocals to discover unused imports, etc
- 6129 [component: docs] Fix typo in
- 6139 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Use tslib to reduce size of bokehjs
- 6145 Update obsolete output examples in bokeh.embed docs
- 6158 [component: docs] For interactive legends, a note about `muted_color` would be helpful
- 6164 Remove deprecations up to 0.12.3
- 6184 [component: docs] Bokeh-api documentation improvement suggestions
- 6188 [component: docs] Missing docstring description of ``state`` arg in
- 6191 Fix deprecated datetime64 use for np_epoch
- 6197 [component: bokehjs] Remove confusing aliases from layoutcanvas
- 6228 [component: docs] Task: add missing `packaging` dependency to documentation requirements
- 6242 [component: bokehjs] Task: remove computed properties implementation
- 6245 Html title is not escaped
- 6247 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] Allow to write bokehjs unit tests in typescript
- 6251 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Allow to write bokehjs build files in typescript
- 6254 Revert "deprecate x/y_mapper_type plot kwargs in place of first-class scale models"
- 6267 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] Merge tests/common into tests/core
- 6269 [component: docs] Bokeh-github directive should not check urls by default
- 6274 Futurewarning from pandas in bokehjsonencoder
- 6287 [component: bokehjs] Add migration note for removal of document.resize()
- 6295 [component: build] Update
- 6309 [component: server] Report tornado version on bokeh server startup
- 6317 Deprecationwarnings on python 3.6
- 6323 Add bkcharts shim and dependency
- 6325 Downstream url for has ssl issue
- 6326 [component: bokehjs] Passing renderer object in cb_data on hovertool customjs callback
- 6331 [component: docs] Re-building docs - keyerror gallery exception
- 6336 [component: bokehjs] Silence all change signals during initialization of models
- 6338 [component: server] Feature request: configurable maximum upload size for tornado server
- 6385 [component: bokehjs] Rely on request_render and fix up cs code
- 6387 [component: docs] Fixed typos in setup doc
- 6408 [component: docs] [component: examples] General 0.12.6 examples and docs tasks
- 6419 [component: bokehjs] Restore events for "patch", "stream" and "do"
- 6445 Bump required bkcharts version to 0.2


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 2058 [component: bokehjs] Point hit testing for rects broken with screen space widths
- 2288 [API: charts] Handle nan as input to bar()
- 2822 [component: bokehjs] [geo] [starter] Gmapplot resets to (0, 0)
- 2964 [component: bokehjs] Gmap alignment still off in 0.10
- 3461 [component: server] Notebook + server not working
- 3737 [regression] Gmapplot doesn't display anything in jupyter v.4
- 4135 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Don't expose external typings beyond bokeh namespace
- 4539 [component: tests] Js tests reporting as failed even when they all passed
- 4667 [component: bokehjs] Arrow and line_width
- 4722 [notebook] Curdoc().theme = theme(json=yaml.load()) is not applied to charts when used in jupyter notebook
- 4835 Multiple gmap plots whiting out in notebook.
- 4875 [component: bokehjs] Graph 'running off'
- 4952 Theme doesn't apply when using components
- 4979 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] Cannot add renderers within a callback
- 5063 [component: tests] Bokehjs tests are failing on regular basis
- 5152 [component: examples] Wrong data shown in gapminder example app / slider update failing
- 5185 [layout] [starter] Reset tool fails when figure passed width instead of plot_width, etc.
- 5336 [component: bokehjs] Strange behaviour of rect-glyph
- 5353 [component: bokehjs] Extensions do not render when using bokeh.embed.components / bokeh.embed.file_html apis
- 5416 [component: bokehjs] Multiple model sync in one callback can fail
- 5488 [component: bokehjs] [starter] Hide annotations via callback
- 5582 [component: server] --num-procs x and curdoc().session_context.request.arguments don't go well together
- 5629 [component: server] [starter] Bokeh server reports "none" port when there is a port conflict.
- 5644 Hasprops.apply_theme does not work on container values
- 5670 [component: tests] Integration test reports are garbled
- 5695 [component: docs] Typo in palettes docs
- 5700 [component: bokehjs] Safe-tag-fix
- 5706 [API: plotting] Bokeh 0.12.4: columndatasource does not work anymore with bokeh.plotting.image
- 5720 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] [regression] It's not possible to debug tests anymore since 5659
- 5731 [component: tests] Tests broken again, this time due to `attributeerror`
- 5732 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Datatable not wired up to respond to streaming patching
- 5742 [component: examples] Missing template in and
- 5778 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Autoload_static uses jquery .data()
- 5789 [component: tests] Some integration tests fail when run with python 2.7
- 5818 [component: build] Conda convert windows packages cause an error
- 5848 [component: server] Memory leak in bokeh application
- 5861 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Instance of figure class in bokehjs does not have reference to xaxis and yaxis
- 5887 [component: docs] Transform docstring ends abruptly
- 5888 [component: tests] [regression] Tests/examples/ assumes clone has a remote named origin
- 5891 [component: docs] Dev_guide/server.html has broken link to user_guide/server.html
- 5900 [component: bokehjs] Attempt to make layout less fragile
- 5905 Embed components performance
- 5910 [component: build] All ci jobs failing due to some change affecting js compilation
- 5916 Cannot import from .ts in a custom extension
- 5921 [component: bokehjs] Fix for small bug in array intersection method
- 5936 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Bokehjs builds are broken because of dependency update
- 5954 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Latex label example is broken in dev docs
- 5956 [component: docs] [regression] Sphinxext.bokeh_plot missing linenos option implementation
- 5959 [layout] [regression] Notebook comms "basic usage.ipynb" broken
- 5963 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Js error on callback
- 5977 Themes aren't applied to document when using `save`
- 5986 [component: bokehjs] Bug with firefox hover tool coordinates
- 6006 Toolbar tooltips are blank in examples/app/crossfilter
- 6012 Importing bokeh.models creates zombie process
- 6014 [component: build] [regression] Sdists prompting for bokehjs build will block pip installs
- 6015 [component: bokehjs] Fixed bug in model._process_event method
- 6018 [regression] Hover tool broken due to undefined roundingfunction
- 6023 [component: server] Accept server connections from any origin
- 6030 Boxzoomtool and boxselecttool doesn't clear the overlay when end event is off the plot frame
- 6032 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Multiple selections via shift+select don't work
- 6037 [notebook] [regression] Repeatedly displaying a plot degrades performance
- 6045 [component: examples] Fixed hover on gapminder to display country
- 6051 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Middle and bottom plot won't pan in y-dimension in custom/gears/ demo on firefox
- 6054 Issues with examples/plotting/server/
- 6059 [component: server] Python event callback not called if no js event callback is registered
- 6063 [component: docs] Fixed href
- 6069 [component: docs] Fixed broken link to gapminder example
- 6075 Resettool does not trigger change events on range1d
- 6100 Correct cursor handling
* features:
- 2274 [component: bokehjs] Interactive legends
- 2414 [starter] Use [non]selection_glyph="auto" to generate automatically, not none
- 3715 Interactively hide or show lines after plot finished by clicking (without re-ploting like plot browser feature in matlab)
- 3748 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] Trigger python event when `level_of_detail` mode finishes
- 4241 [component: docs] [starter] Create a custom 404 page for bokeh docs
- 4694 [component: bokehjs] [starter] Angle of glyphs in legend doesn't match glyphs in plot
- 4927 [component: bokehjs] [starter] Event handler for width/height change of plot
- 5015 [component: bokehjs] [starter] Customjstransform
- 5278 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] Feature: emitting tool and ui events and attaching callbacks
- 5442 [component: bokehjs] [starter] Add scale control to gmaps
- 5592 [component: bokehjs] [geo] [starter] Gmapoptions are not dynamically applied
- 5692 [component: server] make it possible to use relative urls
- 5973 Cds creation from dataframes should not use tolist()
- 6043 Avoid isinstance checks in _visit_value_and_its_immediate_references
- 6055 Use math library instead of numpy for nan/inf checks
* tasks:
- 2933 [component: bokehjs] Use only `div` and `canvas` in the generated html
- 2940 Gmapplot coordinate axes
- 3210 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] [widgets] Improvements to events
- 3270 [API: charts] General charts examples improvements
- 4111 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] [regression] Check js logs in tests
- 4285 [component: tests] Testing infrastructure bug/wish list
- 4321 [component: bokehjs] [webgl] Put webgl functionality in separate bokeh-gl.js?
- 4854 Code of conduct needed
- 5060 Limit imports of client/server code to only when necessary
- 5102 [component: bokehjs] Hovertool tooltip css is vunerable to being overridden by other page css
- 5121 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] Fix skipped js tests as result of getter/setter work
- 5174 [component: bokehjs] [starter] Task: support updating computed transforms fields if dependencies change
- 5209 [component: build] Stop building noarch conda packages
- 5232 [component: tests] Intermittently failing examples tests - ggplot_density and graphs
- 5238 [component: build] [component: docs] Help make examples more visible and easy to use
- 5254 [component: bokehjs] [component: examples] [component: tests] Examples involving transforms using math.random() fail image diff
- 5495 [component: docs] [component: server] Document non-script and programmatic use
- 5541 [component: build] Label image diff results "expected" vs "actual"
- 5613 [component: build] Windows build from source and versioneer
- 5625 [component: bokehjs] Drop jquery from core bokehjs
- 5638 [component: docs] Examples / charts/ readme states incorrect location for jupyter notebook example code
- 5640 [component: examples] New app example: exploding pivot charts
- 5647 [API: charts] Make the default hover tooltip work for donut charts
- 5664 Remove old deprecations
- 5666 [py3] Python 3.6 compatibility
- 5677 Permission denied error when invoking show() from inside jupyter notebook
- 5679 [component: build] Deploy script should automatically create and upload examples tarballs
- 5691 [component: docs] Fix a typo in layoutdom
- 5699 [component: examples] Not necessary loop in weather example?
- 5704 Move abstract out of
- 5705 [notebook] Print bokeh version in notebook "bokehjs loaded" message
- 5710 [API: models] Deprecate bokeh.models.layouts hbox and vbox
- 5712 [component: tests] Make sure examples' tests wait until bokeh finished rendering
- 5718 [component: docs] Bad formatting in selected docstring
- 5726 [component: bokehjs] Tooltip font color can be turned white by outside css because it's not specified by bokeh
- 5729 [component: bokehjs] Use only what we need from underscore
- 5748 [component: tests] Bokehjs/examples/electron/node_modules interfere with code quality tests
- 5754 Revert "clean up and refactor build"
- 5756 Revert "bryanv/refactor build"
- 5757 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Remove bokehjs/src/vendor/kiwi and use bokeh/kiwi
- 5759 [component: docs] Typo in axes docs
- 5770 [component: build] Bryanv/build fixups
- 5771 [component: build] Break up conda operations to prevent timeout
- 5772 [component: build] Need to call chdir for persistent effect
- 5773 [component: build] Fix path for css upload
- 5775 [component: build] Try token with repr, add some diagnostics
- 5776 [component: build] Globs don't work in subprocesses w/o shell=true
- 5777 [component: build] Correctly implement put
- 5787 [component: build] Pin mpl < 2.0
- 5788 [component: docs] Migration notes and exceptions about mpl compat.
- 5793 Bokeh calls logging.basicconfig()
- 5796 [component: docs] Bokeh 0.12.4 needs python 3.3 but this isn't documented anywhere
- 5799 Revert "fix rect rendering with log axis"
- 5810 [component: bokehjs] Don't rely on
- 5822 Hovertool for last value of a line plot sticks on second last value (works fine with circles)
- 5826 [API: models] Add bokeh.plotting.gmap to create gmapplot correctly and easily
- 5827 [component: build] Restore pip installable dev builds
- 5834 [component: docs] Need to use different sintaxis when using command "bokeh serve" in windows command line
- 5835 [component: examples] County data: most independent cities in virginia have 'city' left out, which causes confusion when trying to match based on county name
- 5858 [component: docs] Update install.rst documentation
- 5871 [API: models] Columndatasource constructor slow
- 5878 [component: examples] Move models' file examples and add migration notes
- 5880 [component: tests] Flake8 everything
- 5882 [component: bokehjs] [component: examples] [component: tests] Test bokehjs/examples and run them on travis ci
- 5895 [component: docs] Give feedback on bokeh server docs
- 5896 [component: docs] Typo corrections and clarifications for user_guide/server (5895)
- 5902 [component: docs] Typo (missing comma) in example code for labels
- 5915 [component: examples] Including the color option in the embed simple example
- 5928 [component: tests] Test_api_crawler assumes it is run in the source directory
- 5930 [component: bokehjs] Align bokehjs' imports with custom models
- 5934 [component: bokehjs] Enable typescripts' noimplicitany
- 5946 [component: build] [component: tests] Disable saucelabs tests for now
- 5947 [component: build] [component: tests] Re-enable saucelabs tests
- 5965 [component: bokehjs] Legend should have pointer cursor only when `click_policy != "none"`
- 5969 Tweak defaults for interactive legend inactive labels
- 5989 Remove deprecated output_server
- 5998 [component: build] Update docs upload to work now that host site is behind cloudflare
- 6010 Revert "deprecate mpl compat"
- 6016 [component: examples] Sprint prints nan for seleted names set to none
- 6024 [component: bokehjs] Use `throw new error(...)` instead of `throw error(...)`
- 6036 [component: examples] Updating embed examples
- 6039 [component: examples] When embedding with autoload into a page with a different public url need relative_urls=false
- 6048 [component: docs] Leveraging other libraries should include datashader
- 6058 [component: examples] Added a tiler with a valid url for second plot in plotting/file/airport_map
- 6066 Change default for
- 6071 [component: examples] Update element names and symbols in elements.csv


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 525 Columndatasource.prototype.get_length gives arbitrary results
- 2064 Tooltip not working when inverting an axis by passing a `y_range` argument to the figure
- 2162 Plotting none/nan values fails with log scale axis
- 2365 [component: examples] Compat/seaborn/ is broken
- 2789 [component: docs] [starter] Range padding possibly discards the log axis properties
- 3315 [API: charts] Overlapping bins in bokeh charts histogram example
- 3834 Plot is empty when log scale is used
- 3931 [component: docs] Update datetimetickformatter docstring with actual default formats from the js side
- 4602 [API: charts] No x-axis labels on bar graphs with a single bar
- 4680 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Datatable header height not large enough to fit header text - in jupyter notebook
- 4861 [component: bokehjs] Hovertool showing canvas coordinates not data coordinates
- 5305 [component: docs] [component: examples] [component: server] Embed/animated fails with "did not find model"
- 5306 [component: examples] [py2] Embed/embed_multiple fails with unicode error on py2
- 5315 [component: examples] [component: server] [regression] Extension implementation load path problems in apps
- 5318 Make figure accept title instance
- 5322 [component: bokehjs] Long "bokeh error"s don't wrap
- 5323 [component: bokehjs] Colormapper special colors are not respected for images
- 5324 Colormapper high, low and nan_color do not accept rgb(a) tuples
- 5330 Syntax error in util/
- 5333 [component: bokehjs] Document._destructively_move() (in bokehjs) references undefined variable
- 5337 [component: bokehjs] Charts and plots not rendering with user defined title text_font_size in em
- 5346 Embedding a server plot will override the window title
- 5370 [component: bokehjs] Linearinterpolator does not work correctly
- 5377 [component: docs] Correct comment in dimension example plot
- 5382 [component: bokehjs] Help tool icon doesn't have transparent background
- 5389 Creating a line plot with `x_axis_type='log'` fails when `x_max < 1`
- 5392 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Tools cause hard crash on safari after import/export pr
- 5398 Datatable css conflict with bootstrap css
- 5404 Functickformatter.from_py_func() example valueerror
- 5413 [component: bokehjs] Can't use categorical axis with figure using rects
- 5453 [py2] Tabe completion on bokeh.palettes doesn't work in python 2
- 5467 [component: docs] Docstring not reflecting correct function signature
- 5479 [layout] Merged toolbar is not created properly when row/column layouts added to gridplot
- 5490 Some named palettes raise valueerror
- 5522 [component: docs] Bokeh doc website not rendered correctly in ie 11 on win 7
- 5524 [component: server] [regression] --num-procs broken
- 5526 [component: bokehjs] Some versions of ie 11 do not support unit8clampedarray
- 5546 [component: bokehjs] Js column length check logic is backward
- 5549 [component: bokehjs] Correctly handle data values <= 0 on a log scale
- 5555 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Bokehjs' examples are broken after import/export pr
- 5558 [notebook] [py2] [starter] Unicode `__javascript__` external resources breaks output notebook in python 2
- 5570 [component: bokehjs] Output_notebook raises javascript error if hide_banner=true
- 5576 [component: bokehjs] Initial range calculation for log plots can cause empty plots
- 5585 [component: server] Responsive plots don't work with server because of plotdiv
- 5590 [component: server] Python 2 incompatibility issue with execfile and bokeh server
- 5591 [notebook] [regression] Custom models don't work in the notebook due to missing __file__
- 5631 [component: build] [regression] Pin build job to py3.4
- 5633 [component: build] [regression] Update .travis.yml
- 5636 Patches incorrectly draws boundaries from geojsondatasource in latest development version on a bokeh server
- 5645 Font-awesome custom example fails to run
- 5655 [component: bokehjs] [regression] 0.12.3 resize tool uses plot_width for initializing plot_height
- 5661 [component: bokehjs] Tool labels appears empty on hover
* features:
- 1448 Gridplot could allow 1d child sequence together with (n, m) tuple
- 1996 Rangeslider needed (again)
- 2016 [component: bokehjs] X_range = 'auto' with bokehjs
- 2204 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] [notebook] Look into use of dataviews and arraybuffers for more efficient data send/recv
- 2833 Using hovertool to display arbitrary html
- 3817 Toolbar improvements: replace inspector dropdown
- 5000 Warn on ragged length values in columndatasource
- 5199 [API: models] Add support bokehjs writable and bokeh readonly properties
- 5317 Add a colorblind and d3 palettes
- 5329 Ability to remove tools from plot generated by mpl.to_bokeh
- 5417 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Extend textinput with `placeholder`
- 5435 [component: bokehjs] [enh] add js callback for streaming data
- 5446 [API: plotting] [component: docs] Improve glyph method function signatures
- 5471 [component: bokehjs] [enh] add custom classes to elements
- 5579 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Adding size attribute to multiselect model
- 5583 [component: server] [starter] Custom context arguments for the jinja template
* tasks:
- 3020 [component: docs] [component: tests] Stricter docs build testing
- 4290 [component: bokehjs] Clean up toolbar's css
- 4652 [widgets] Remove broken dialog
- 4774 [component: docs] Docs: google maps down
- 4778 [component: docs] Docs: add to reference landing
- 4785 [component: tests] Clean-up use of saucelabs connect on travisci
- 4877 [component: docs] Need to include imagesource to docs
- 4918 Using a custom json encoder
- 4920 The documentation for `bokeh.plotting.figure` does not describe how to set the axis labels
- 4991 [component: docs] [starter] Palette option for image/image not documented
- 5112 [component: docs] [component: examples] [starter] Add an example using categoricalcolormapper and legend
- 5190 [component: docs] Migration code for 0.12.2 not runnable
- 5292 Inconsistent legend location naming
- 5320 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Use es6 import/export syntax instead of require()
- 5325 [component: build] Improvements to deploy script
- 5326 [component: examples] Examples with deprecation warnings
- 5335 [component: examples] Depreciated example
- 5339 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Remove src/vendor/font-awesome and use npm
- 5360 Better deprecation path for extensions
- 5362 [component: build] Remove old bokeh-server
- 5372 [component: server] Remove develop mode stub
- 5375 [component: tests] [notebook] Notebook image diff tests broken due to "missing kernel"
- 5376 Change palette references for the brewer qualitative palettes to be slices
- 5384 [component: docs] Small docs fixes
- 5395 [component: build] Please consider adding classifiers to
- 5400 [component: examples] Add imdb usage notice to movies app
- 5403 [component: docs] Hbar and vbar need to be added to the user guide
- 5408 [component: docs] [component: server] Server architecture in dev guide has several out of date links
- 5411 [component: docs] Document x_axis_location parameter to figure
- 5423 [component: bokehjs] Prefer const over let in *.ts
- 5445 [component: server] If is run by bokeh serve, warn about running with directory name instead
- 5450 [component: bokehjs] Add support for *.tsx source files
- 5455 [component: tests] Outside pr docs test fails due to missing google api key
- 5461 [component: docs] Add svg logo
- 5492 [component: server] Support --port 0 for random port
- 5493 [component: server] Avoid calling sys.exit in server code
- 5494 [component: server] Bokehtornado.stop should not stop the ioloop
- 5507 [component: bokehjs] Replace underscore's functions with native methods were possible
- 5513 [component: bokehjs] Consider externalizing font-awesome's icons (or removing altogether)
- 5514 [component: bokehjs] Further slim down boostrap
- 5517 [component: docs] Small fixups to make sphinx 1.5 work
- 5532 [component: bokehjs] Deprecate bokeh.$ and bokeh._
- 5536 [component: bokehjs] Replace `$(...)` with `$el.find(...)`
- 5553 [component: tests] Test custom models' examples
- 5557 [component: build] [component: docs] [starter] Use python3 version of fabric
- 5560 Get selenium testing working locally
- 5562 Correctly deprecating imagergba cols and rows properties
- 5567 [component: build] Explicitly kill stray processes on travis
- 5568 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Upgrade to jsdom 9.x
- 5578 [API: plotting] [starter] Auto-conversion to columndatasource
- 5587 [component: docs] Docstring typo
- 5595 [component: docs] [component: server] Getting bokeh to work behind apache
- 5602 [component: docs] Document dataspecproperty
- 5607 [API: charts] Add vbar and hbar glyphs to charts
- 5609 Investigate removing autoadd, autosave, autopush
- 5619 [component: docs] Improve palettes docs and docs automation
- 5626 [component: docs] Split up
- 5627 [component: docs] Split up reference docs for bokeh.core
- 5649 Add nodejs and npmjs version numbers to `bokeh info`

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