
Latest version: v3.4.2

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Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 9142 [component: build] Compute runtime deps correctly
* tasks:
- 9101 [component: docs] [bug] wrong option names in sphinxext documentation
- 9118 [component: build] Use pypi token to upload releases
- 9120 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Use npm token to publish


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 9123 [component: bokehjs] [regression] [bug] export_png broken in bokeh 1.3.0
* tasks:
- 4870 [notebook] [widgets] Autocomplete should start with a single character
- 9112 [component: build] Upload to backup cdn
- 9127 [component: build] Exclude ipython tests on minimal build


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 8015 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Bokeh datepicker value format inconsistent
- 8403 [component: server] Bokeh charts load very slow with uncaught typeerror: in browser console
- 8911 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Rangeslider stuck when modified by pressing the keyboard arrows
- 8915 [component: server] [bug] error in the bokeh --serve documentation
- 8921 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] datatable copy-paste doesn't work with 0s present in a row
- 8923 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] datatable copy-paste doesn't keep the order of rows after sorting
- 8934 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] datepicker displayed value is not updating
- 9016 [component: bokehjs] [performance] Inspection indices' filtering is very slow
- 9022 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] "cannot read property 'style' of null" javascript error when moving slider
- 9032 [component: bokehjs] [bug] typeerror after replacing tools on a toolbar
- 9033 [component: bokehjs] [bug] incompatible definitions of `vbar.width` in bokeh and bokehjs
- 9065 [component: docs] [bug] development guide missing `test` argument for conda install and pytest install failure on windows
- 9092 [component: server] [bug] double slash before prefix in autoreload.js
- 9095 Update docker to work with new conda and bokeh
* features:
- 6096 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] File open dialog
- 8100 [API: models] [widgets] [feature request] option to collapse datatable rows
- 8676 [component: bokehjs] Make a bokeh textinput callback responsive as text is typed
- 8872 [component: bokehjs] Add hover support for patch, harea, and varea
- 8981 [component: bokehjs] [feature] implement hover anchor on more glyphs
- 9052 Let accept dataframe
* tasks:
- 8186 [component: examples] Geojsondatasource not bringing in all attributes
- 8919 [component: docs] [component: server] Document signed session usage
- 8944 [component: docs] Texturerepetition missing from docs and `all`
- 8961 [component: tests] Don't call show in tests
- 8987 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Bump nwmatcher from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 in /bokehjs
- 8994 [component: docs] Docs typo
- 8995 [component: docs] Documentation: duplicate $name description
- 9039 [component: docs] Fixed analysis
- 9044 [component: build] [task] add downstream tests for pandas-bokeh
- 9048 [component: build] Upload to s3 cdn in parallel
- 9049 [component: docs] [docs] developer notes rendered in live docs
- 9050 [component: docs] Typo/misspelling on mapping geo data page[bug]
- 9054 [component: build] Fix yamlloadwarning in
- 9060 Color regex needs raw string
- 9075 Use cdn
- 9080 [component: docs] [docs] update links to, gitter and mailing-list
- 9082 [component: build] Exclude landing-2.0 issues from changelog for now
- 9099 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [feature] extend fileinput to return filename and make output clearer
- 9102 [component: docs] Docs: update documentation urls in readme
- 9103 [component: tests] Update dask test location
- 9106 [component: build] [component: docs] Remove dev build installation instructions


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 2259 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Autocomplete widget not recognizing value change
- 6855 [component: bokehjs] Boxselecttool does not work as expected with gmapplot
- 7699 [component: bokehjs] [webgl] Mixed canvas and webgl glyphs are painted in wrong z-order
- 8103 [component: bokehjs] Rangetool unusable after selection change
- 8828 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] autocompleteinput widget value attribute does not reflect selection
- 8835 [component: server] [bug] runtimeerror on adding callbacks after rendering
- 8843 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Bar_color slider not updating
- 8849 [component: examples] [bug] color mapping bug in crossfilter example
- 8853 [bug] exports do not work with firefox webdriver
- 8889 [component: bokehjs] [bug] imageurl selection_glyph raises "typeerror: this.retries is undefined"
- 8895 [component: bokehjs] [bug] customjs callbacks added after initialization do not work
- 8903 [bug] layout accepts name as keyword arg but doesn't pass to underlying objects
- 8909 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] [bug] changing slider widget title property does not update view
* features:
- 4540 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] Slider callback_policy should work for apps
- 6135 [component: bokehjs] Feature request: textures to fill properties?
- 6769 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Legend title
- 8848 [API: plotting] [component: bokehjs] [feature] stacked areas and lines
- 8863 [feature] allow the webdriver timeout to be customized
* tasks:
- 4665 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] Add missing widget callback integration tests
- 5469 [component: docs] Document that boxzoomtool does not work on gmapplot
- 5918 [component: bokehjs] Touch scroll the page when no tools are active
- 6516 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] add selenium tests for slider and rangeslider
- 6927 [component: bokehjs] Allow reset tool to only emit reset event, and skip built-in reset code
- 7238 [component: docs] Document get_screenshot_as_png better
- 8433 [component: build] Clean up .gitignore files across the repository
- 8496 "warning:bokeh.resources:root_url should end with a /, adding one" spam
- 8571 [component: docs] `scripts/` does not install phantom_js
- 8861 Create readme to explain server_embed usage
- 8867 [component: docs] Update tile provider example for "mapping geo data" user guide
- 8874 [component: build] Uploading actual releases to conda bokeh/label/dev
- 8875 Hatching/stacking follow on work
- 8876 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Fix security vulnerabilities reported by npm audit
- 8897 Reference link updated
- 8901 [component: examples] [bug] legend order backwards for stacked area plots
- 8916 [component: docs] Update 1.1.0.rst
- 8930 [component: docs] Docs: fix typo
- 8933 [component: docs] Add release notes for 1.2


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 3061 [layout] [widgets] Setting responsive for figures in tabs results in buggy tabs
- 4393 [layout] If responsive mode is `height_ar`, toolbar box `above` or `below` doesn't work
- 4404 [layout] Tabs only work with fixed layout
- 4608 [layout] Initialization problem on `scale_width` plots
- 4689 [component: bokehjs] Bokehjs charts not respecting plot size
- 4830 [layout] Figure.width does not update width
- 4917 [layout] Strange widget alignment behavior
- 5143 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Tabs not working
- 5169 [component: bokehjs] [layout] [widgets] Tabs only renders right when at least one tab contains a figure
- 5193 [layout] [widgets] Overlapping plots
- 5572 [layout] Subplots vertical axes don't line up
- 5722 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Widgets do not work in nested layouts
- 5749 [component: bokehjs] [layout] 0.12.4 breaks custom text inputs field length
- 6025 [layout] [widgets] Datatables overlapping when in row or gridplot
- 6259 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Adding new button widgets results in too-wide buttons
- 6333 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Multiselect freezes ie 11 on change
- 6406 [component: bokehjs] Javascript errors when plotting from a columndatasource populated with a pandas dataframe containing column named field
- 6417 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Tabs widget cannot contain a figure
- 6427 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Textinput not respecting width
- 6462 [component: examples] [regression] Npm detection doesn't work on windows (in native console)
- 6477 [layout] Vertical axes aren't aligned in `plotting/file/categorical`
- 6508 [component: bokehjs] Multiple callbacks for same model call only last callback
- 6707 [component: bokehjs] Tap tool on bokeh server does not select data points with a custom callback
- 6748 [layout] Dynamically turning on axis label does not resize plot
- 6768 [layout] Alignment of plots in a grid
- 6822 [widgets] Autocompleteinput does not complete word when option is clicked
- 6824 [component: bokehjs] [component: tests] Examples/models/file/ is unreliable
- 7004 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Incorrect module path format when building bokehjs on windows
- 7120 [component: bokehjs] [layout] [widgets] Datatable in tab not displaying contents (with minimal example)
- 7127 [layout] [widgets] Vertical slider
- 7260 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Unsatisfiable constraint when trying to make plot size responsive within panels
- 7270 [layout] Plot layout with scale_both, stretch_both, scale_height
- 7444 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Table covers other widget when table is on the left
- 7454 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Gridplot with sizing_mode="stretch_both"/"scale_both" is totally broken since 0.12.11
- 7497 [component: bokehjs] Disappearing toolbar
- 7554 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Bokeh layout rows and columns not responsive on scale_width or scale_height
- 7766 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Row and column definition gives unexpected layout with option sizing_mode='scale_width'
- 7771 [layout] Repaint() in causing significant lag
- 7805 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Bokeh spacer sets height to one pixel with scale_width set
- 7933 [component: bokehjs] Different behavior between bokeh and bokehjs with ajaxdatasource
- 7981 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Checkboxbuttongroup and radiobuttongroup can not be disabled
- 7991 [component: bokehjs] Hovertool display pops under shaded portion of slider
- 8115 [layout] [regression] Stretch_both sizing mode doesn't stretch in 0.13
- 8164 [component: bokehjs] Tilerenderer cache is not invalidated when url changes
- 8227 [performance] Improve datatable performance
- 8290 [component: bokehjs] The "css_classes" attribute on datatable object does not work
- 8355 Compiler issue on windows, importing modules is not working because of backslash incompatibility
- 8391 [component: bokehjs] "tile cannot extend" systemerror when exporting plot with legend placed outside and above plot area
- 8443 [layout] Button groups do not respect the `sizing_mode` or `width` keyword arguments
- 8471 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Updating css_classes on layout elements has no effect
- 8484 Whisker does not accept explicit negative values
- 8552 [component: bokehjs] Wrong position on catergoricalaxis of extra_y_range
- 8585 Typeerror: index is not a valid datetimeindex or periodindex
- 8596 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Bokehjs examples to use in node js or angular
- 8599 [component: bokehjs] Grid bands broken when cross grid lines disabled
- 8600 [component: bokehjs] Cds callback property not working
- 8611 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Bug when the middle area between two tabs is clicked
- 8613 Inline ts code failed at compilation on windows (post 8085)
- 8614 [layout] Layout broken in hidden tabs after an update
- 8622 [layout] [regression] Input widget heights behavior
- 8624 [component: bokehjs] Crosshair icon removed from toolbar in gridplots
- 8627 [component: server] Issue with bokeh.client after layout pr
- 8633 [component: examples] Stocks example is not working properly
- 8638 [component: docs] [layout] Incorrect layout with column of div's with image (1.1.0dev3)
- 8639 [widgets] Datatable rows overwrite dropdown menu (1.1.0dev3)
- 8643 [layout] [regression] example not behaving as expected after the layout pr
- 8647 [component: tests] Make examples' tests work on windows
- 8650 [component: examples] Grid_axis_alignment_no_toolbar is broken in windows (32-bit)
- 8653 [widgets] Assume utc in value_as_date
- 8654 [layout] Text wrapping in div after layout pr
- 8655 [layout] Loading plot in separate jupyterlab tab collapses layout
- 8679 [component: bokehjs] Graphs with list values as attributes fail
- 8680 [component: examples] [regression] Custom widget in doc strange display in 1.1.0dev6
- 8681 [notebook] Autoload_js should load css before javascript
- 8686 [component: bokehjs] [component: docs] Bokehjs columndatasource.change property doesn't exist
- 8703 [component: docs] Typo in
- 8713 [notebook] [regression] Displaying plot in notebook quickly after output_notebook raises js error
- 8719 [component: tests] Tests sometimes fail on appveyor
- 8726 [layout] Tabs width set on width of contents - truncating tabs
- 8733 [component: bokehjs] [notebook] [regression] Gmap plots not working in the notebook and inline resources
- 8737 Windows phantomjs not killed on selenium termination
- 8742 [component: bokehjs] Hover tooltip breaks with zero-width wedges
- 8746 [component: bokehjs] When line_width is set to 0 the glyph boundaries don't disappear
- 8747 [component: bokehjs] Custom extensions cannot import models/widgets/widget
- 8762 [component: bokehjs] Tooltips not working for segment on inverted y-axis
- 8770 [component: bokehjs] Using range padding with image plots leave lots of empty space
- 8777 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Tabs header doesn't update when layout recomputes
- 8786 [component: bokehjs] Spinner jumps to low after one click, regardless of step
- 8789 [component: tests] Codebase tests fail on windows
- 8793 [component: bokehjs] Range tool gets stuck at minimum width
- 8794 [component: server] Directoryhandler does not handle ipynb files correctly
- 8800 Fixes trying to index dict_keys
- 8810 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Es6 map's polyfill isn't installed in phantomjs
- 8820 [component: bokehjs] Surface3d example fails to compile
- 8821 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Make layout respect aspect ratio with scale_height sizing mode
* features:
- 4407 [layout] Non-equal proportion split in layouts
- 4867 [layout] Don't make space for element if not visible
- 5955 [component: docs] Sphinx bokeh_plot extension should work outside project docs
- 6173 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Add numeric input widget
- 7498 [component: bokehjs] Bokeh panel(closable=true) doesn't make 'x' appear on the panel title and closable by user
- 7675 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Add color picker and spinbox widgets
- 8229 [layout] Add sizing_mode="stretch_width" and "stretch_height"
- 8636 Add js_link convenience method
- 8660 [component: server] Add --index option to specify site index template
- 8663 [API: models] Add support for data source using server-sent events
- 8668 [component: bokehjs] Displaying custom data on hover for rgba image
- 8671 [API: models] Openurl in current tab
- 8700 [component: bokehjs] Make bokehjs importable in nodejs
- 8710 [layout] [regression] Add support for spans to grid layout
* tasks:
- 3340 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Investigate better implementation for toolbar rendering
- 4395 [layout] Investigate / describe performance issues
- 4582 [component: tests] [layout] Add a series of screenshot tests for all the layout modes
- 4643 [layout] Stop doing two calls to _resize on every resize
- 4790 [API: models] [component: bokehjs] Widgets with js api
- 5668 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Use box-sizing: border-box for everything under bk-root
- 6294 [layout] [performance] Browser rendering extremely slow when many figures in a gridplot
- 6461 [component: examples] Make simple_hdf example interesting and attractive
- 6513 [component: bokehjs] Add a link to bokehjs package on
- 6713 [API: models] [layout] Add visible property to models
- 6771 [component: tests] Task: fix-up skipped app examples for examples tests
- 7185 [layout] Unify meaning of {layoutcanvas,layoutdom}.{_left,_top,_right,_bottom}
- 7451 [API: plotting] [component: bokehjs] Bokehjs typeerror "legend is undefined"
- 7864 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Rewrite bokehjs' tests in typescript
- 7875 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Remove unnecessary usage of any type
- 8071 Make error reporting from `export_png()` more robust
- 8084 [layout] Improve reliability, performance and feature coverage of the layout
- 8187 [regression] Do not include large unrelated files in the repository
- 8197 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Relativize module paths in generated js/d.ts files
- 8529 [component: docs] Autoreloader cannot find bokeh on reload
- 8566 Tile provider causes "model must be owned by only a single document" error
- 8577 [component: server] Delay between autoload.js and websocket request
- 8578 [component: examples] Create custom example to plot parallel plot
- 8583 Make websocket_max_message_size configurable in notebooks
- 8587 [component: build] Pin conda versions with conda_reqs on appveyor too
- 8589 [component: docs] [docs] bad number in webpage patch method documentation
- 8606 [component: docs] Change use of deprecated sphinx app logger
- 8607 Importing abcs from collections is deprecated
- 8612 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Remove type duplication between models' attributes and properties
- 8616 [typescript] Finalize typing plotting api and remove old declarations
- 8617 [component: tests] Fix pytest's deprecations in examples' tests
- 8623 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Upgrade typescript and minifier, and enable more tslint rules
- 8625 [notebook] Use utf-8 encoding to open notebook file
- 8628 Daterangeslider returns datetime instead of date
- 8642 [component: examples] Manual_grid layout example has lost it's core functionality in layout pr
- 8656 [component: bokehjs] [typescript] Rewrite custom extensions in typescript
- 8662 [component: build] Use for artifact storage
- 8669 [component: docs] Bryanv/demosite url
- 8692 [component: docs] Add live codepen links for bokehjs api
- 8698 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Rename bokehjs/build/js/{tree->lib} to match src/
- 8708 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Handlebars security vulnerability - npm won't install
- 8712 [API: models] Deprecate plot.{h,v}_symmetry
- 8717 [component: bokehjs] Disabled buttons should be gray by default
- 8723 Bad_extra_range_name validation can be incorrect
- 8725 [layout] Don't warn on empty layouts
- 8740 [component: bokehjs] Miscellaneous improvements to bokehjs
- 8748 [component: bokehjs] Don't expose external libraries in the public api
- 8751 [BEP] [component: build] Update maintainers list
- 8771 [component: docs] Updated numfocus donor link
- 8802 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Upgrade to typescript 3.4
- 8804 [component: docs] Corrected spelling mistakes
- 8805 [layout] Make gridbox.spacing adhere to css argument order


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 8558 [py2] Safer alternative fix for unicode notebook issue in python 2
* features:
- 8513 [notebook] Strip out ipython magics when serving notebooks
* tasks:
- 8207 Adding/updating boilerplate code
- 8525 [component: tests] Don't resize window when running images tests
- 8533 [component: build] Remove warning about `gulp build` in prepare.js
- 8534 [component: docs] Docs tweak to add note about bokeh_dev and apps
- 8541 Pyyaml version is vulnerable to cve-2017-18342
- 8543 [component: server] Bad error message for nonexistent bokeh serve target
- 8548 [component: docs] Add small documentation to slider callback_policy which only apply to customjs
- 8550 [component: docs] Fix-up bokeh_dev docs (follow-up)
- 8553 Add model, event, and populate bokeh.models __all__
- 8555 [py2] Unicode fix when serving notebooks on python 2
- 8556 [component: docs] Correct three minor typos

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