
Latest version: v3.4.2

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* bugfixes:
- 11422 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] `DeserializationError` when trying to change a `DataTable`'s columns with `CustomJS`
- 11800 [BUG] DeserializationError when plotting graphs
- 11801 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Log axis figures don't render if they're not visible at start
- 11807 [component: bokehjs] Work around issues with initialization-time change discovery
- 11808 Don't unnecessarily update node/edge renderers in graphs

* tasks:
- 11613 [component: docs] Cache-bust custom.css for docs
- 11791 [component: docs] Update issue template to use new GH forms
- 11761 [component: docs] Clarify use of color in first steps guide
- 11762 [component: docs] Replace slash with backslash for PS commands
- 11767 [component: bokehjs] Upgrade jquery-ui to resolve security concerns
- 11781 [component: examples] fix transform jitter example
- 11786 bokeh 2.4.2 backports
- 11790 [component: build] Bryanv/pin sphinx 42
- 11797 Add OS to bokeh info
- 11805 More 3.0 -> 2.4.2 backports
- 11810 [component: docs] Update docs for new issue forms
- 11824 Updates for release


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 11119 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] varea_stack() and vline_stack() fails to update correctly when new source data is different length
- 11625 [component: tests] [BUG] Codebase test failures in Windows
- 11627 [BUG] mypy tests fail in Windows
- 11629 [BUG] Hover tool takes long time to render
- 11633 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] RangesUpdate not emitted when using xwheel_pan
- 11645 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] `bokeh init` creates a `package.json` which refers to the deprecated Bokeh JS node package
- 11646 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Using band_hatch_pattern with images doesn't work
- 11661 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Issue with line rendering when selecting indices
- 11670 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Duplicate change events for autocomplete_input
- 11679 [BUG] Parallel Plot example with output_backend="webgl" not working
- 11713 [component: docs] Documentation builds are failing in CI
- 11644 [component: bokehjs] Actually fix clipping in SVG `<text>` nodes

* tasks:
- 11617 [component: docs] Update Team link in footer
- 11658 [component: build] Support "pip install" from sdist
- 11618 [component: tests] Reduce Tornado imports
- 11628 [component: docs] Correct path in dev guide server instructions
- 11652 [component: build] Update bokehjs' dependencies
- 11668 [component: docs] Add information about mathjax bundle
- 11681 [NO SQUASH] Batch of 3.0 -> 2.4 backports
- 11712 [component: tests] Upgrade baselines to Chrome 94
- 11722 [component: tests] Update visual baselines on MacOS
- 11724 [NO SQUASH] More 3.0 -> 2.4 backports
- 11738 [component: docs] Add release notes for Bokeh 2.4.1


* bugfixes:
- 7217 [component: bokehjs] Including both log and linear axis types not working
- 10756 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Jitter caching too aggressively
- 10806 Date validation is too lax
- 10876 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] 'dashed' line style not working properly when using webgl
- 10898 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Tabs widget disabled property has no effect
- 10927 [component: docs] Inconsistent information about ``_units`` property in reference guide
- 11016 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Figure name passed to `` but not ``
- 11025 [component: bokehjs] Line and MultiLine produce inconsistent data bbox with trailing NaNs
- 11035 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] `Bokeh.Widgets` objects missing `tools`, required by `Bokeh.Plotting.gridplot()`
- 11037 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Using `sizing_mode` in gridplot layouts requires explicit assignment
- 11038 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Calling `figure({title:"some title"})` replaces Title object with string, prevents subsequent updates to title text
- 11045 [component: bokehjs] Hatch patterns are lost with SVG backend after interaction
- 11058 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] SVG backend does not support line dash offset
- 11071 [component: examples] [BUG] Use of is deprecated in numpy 1.20
- 11139 [BUG] Image.transform does not handle data:image/PNG;base64 string images
- 11149 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Inconsistent hatch rotation
- 11154 [BUG] Non-selected hatching not grayed out
- 11162 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Do not make room for invisible tick labels
- 11178 [component: examples] Broken example: Olympic Sprinters
- 11197 [component: tests] [BUG] Correct missleading classname in BokehJS unit Test for LogTickFormatter
- 11216 [BUG] Toolbar properties non-nullable
- 11217 [BUG] WebGL regressions when setting alpha as an iterable
- 11276 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] FileInput filename not returning the filenames after upgrading to v2.3.2
- 11288 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] WebGL non-circle markers revert to canvas when selected
- 11319 [component: tests] examples' tests fail in CI
- 11367 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Ellipse glyph does not render properly in figure legend
- 11374 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] RadioButtonGroup orientation doesn't have expected effect
- 11378 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] multi_line with logScale
- 11402 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] `SVGRenderingContext2D.arc()` differs from Canvas specification, it breaks if used without calling `beginPath()` beforehand
- 11413 [component: bokehjs] Changing tile provider does not remove attribution
- 11437 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] HoverTool ignores IndexFilter in CDSView
- 11444 [component: tests] [BUG] license-related codebase tests on Win10 fail
- 11446 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Hover glyphs permanently rendered with vline/hline mode in 2.4.0dev
- 11457 [component: tests] `MathText` integration tests are not robust
- 11460 [component: tests] Bokeh-CI unit export tests failing
- 11474 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] graph_renderer.layout_provider changes via JS code are not displayed on plots
- 11477 [component: server] [BUG] Increasing memory consumption of bokeh server (part 2)
- 11479 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] MathText axis labels do not all render in multi-figure layouts
- 11487 [component: tests] `OpenURL`'s unit tests open popup windows
- 11508 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Log auto-scaling not showing all data
- 11520 [BUG] The update() method is not equivalent to changing widget properties directly
- 11551 [component: bokehjs] `SVGRenderingContext2D.drawImage()` doesn't respect clipping region
- 11579 [BUG] Inconsistent handling of Title Text attributes
- 11587 [component: bokehjs] Clip region is not applied to text in SVG backend
- 11609 [component: examples] [BUG] Surface3d example is broken
- 11610 [component: examples] [BUG] Server embed notebook issue
- 11297 [component: bokehjs] Correctly initialize WebGL non-base marker/scatter glyphs
- 11370 [component: bokehjs] Handle corner cases in LinearLinterpolationScale.v_compute()
- 11536 [component: bokehjs] Reassign value on numeric_input high-low change only if needed
- 11568 Fixing typo error 2
- 11573 [component: server] Add version as request argument to extension to avoid browser caching
- 11577 [component: docs] Better formatting for args lists in docstrings
- 11600 Fix regexes for finding tex delimiter

* features:
- 657 Add support for plots in polar coordinates
- 7317 [component: bokehjs] Add support for line breaks in Label
- 9261 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE]Make LegendItems Hideable
- 10733 BOKEH_STRICT does not raise validation errors
- 11007 [FEATURE] Add a min_exponent to only show axis labels as exponents for number higher than this exponent
- 11095 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Add consolidated RangeUpdate event
- 11120 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE]Add "maintain_focus" property to ZoomOutTool
- 11266 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Include toolbar in tab order
- 11381 [component: docs] [FEATURE] bokeh-plot should parse ReST docstrings in example
- 11423 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] `visible` property for `TableColumns`
- 11548 [FEATURE] Make `global_alpha` of `ImageRGBA` an `AlphaSpec`
- 11565 [component: server] URL printed in server startup log always assumes http protocol
- 11098 [component: bokehjs] Implement all Webgl marker types
- 11099 [component: tests] Allow to test against a provided git reference
- 11128 [component: bokehjs] Latex on axis labels
- 11159 [component: bokehjs] WebGL rect glyph with hatch pattern
- 11165 Add support for embedding plots/layouts in tooltips
- 11195 [component: tests] Collect performance metrics during integration tests
- 11214 [component: bokehjs] Add support for toolbar's overflow menu
- 11343 [component: bokehjs] WebGL markers and rects reuse arrays and buffers
- 11420 [component: bokehjs] add latex capabilities to tick labels
- 11466 add python conveniences to mathtext
- 11511 Support xyzservices.TileProvider as an input of get_provider
- 11533 Add support for alternative math text input notations
- 11585 TeX on Markup widgets Div, Paragraph

* tasks:
- 8390 [component: bokehjs] Define a default muted glyph
- 9329 [component: docs] Document bokeh.sampledata
- 9671 [component: server] [FEATURE] Enable the Server to serve apps at sub urls like /gallery/image-classifier
- 9961 [component: docs] Ref Docs need sidebar TOC
- 10137 [component: docs] [BUG] Anchors in docs can be jumpy
- 10287 Update to isort 5.7
- 10391 [component: tests] Test legacy bundles before release
- 10572 [component: build] [FEATURE] Bokeh Python Wheel packages
- 10685 [component: docs] Move Bokeh docs to the latest version of pydata-sphinx-theme
- 10796 [component: docs] Add default browser env var to docs
- 10839 Drop Python 3.6
- 10867 Simplify HasProps and MetaHasProps
- 10877 Remove SRI integrity checks from js_resources.html template
- 10932 Bring up branch-2.4
- 10946 [component: docs] Automate python min-version and requirements in docs
- 10950 Simplify HasProps and MetaHasProps (part 2)
- 10980 [component: docs] Replace plot_width and plot_height with width and height
- 11034 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Palettes not accessible by name for `ColorMapper` objects in BokehJS
- 11053 [component: build] Separate javascript bundle for WebGL
- 11135 [component: docs] Fix collapsible code blocks
- 11138 [BUG] Time for updating one column in a CDS depends on the total number of columns
- 11142 [component: tests] Codebase test to validate versions.json
- 11146 [component: bokehjs] json_items should report bokeh version
- 11147 [component: docs] [BUG] Footer in 2.4 docs broken
- 11166 Allow `pathlib.Path` wherever raw string paths are supported
- 11184 Add width and height properties to gridplot()
- 11211 [component: tests] [BUG] Conflicting test dependencies in downstream CI build
- 11215 [component: docs] [BUG] Links to Line Properties gives 404 in user guide
- 11221 [BUG] Use dataclasses for check validation
- 11255 [component: build] Build deploy action also needs to check the branch
- 11267 [component: docs] Update extension examples to import from top-level models
- 11282 Document conda init in Getting Set Up
- 11298 [component: build] [BUG] Release build env missing dependencies
- 11301 [component: server] [BUG] Bokeh websocket connection creates large Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header
- 11354 [component: docs] Update developer docs
- 11392 address code issues flagged by lgtm
- 11404 [component: bokehjs] Add `ellipse()` method to `SVGRenderingContext2D`
- 11415 pandas future warning for
- 11428 [component: docs] Reorganize bokeh.plotting in ref guide
- 11483 Revert kwarg-only args for Theme
- 11489 [component: docs] [FEATURE] Enhanced docstrings for gallery entries
- 11505 Fix Bokeh version in CI Build step
- 11515 [component: docs] Remove Wikimedia tile provider
- 11574 [component: tests] Restore original values when manipulating `os.environ` in tests
- 10861 Redesign WebGL backend using ReGL
- 10930 Replace JS var with let/const across the codebase
- 10961 [component: bokehjs] Upgrade to TS 4.2 and upgrade other dependencies
- 10972 replaced old-style string substitution
- 10979 [component: tests] Add dask/dask to downstream tests
- 10987 Bryanv/2 3 1 forwardports
- 11004 [component: build] Add support for incremental TypeScript builds
- 11019 [component: tests] Improve speed by comparing whole buffers first
- 11067 [component: docs] add latex extension example with mathjax
- 11070 [component: bokehjs] Use premultiplied alpha in WebGL
- 11072 [NO SQUASH] Forward ports to branch-2.4
- 11073 [component: bokehjs] Drop unnecessary -webkit- prefixes from flexbox
- 11078 Fix regressions after PR 10930
- 11090 [component: bokehjs] Simplify rendering code with visuals.apply()
- 11092 HasProps and misc cleanup
- 11108 [component: bokehjs] Fix WebGL line regression
- 11115 [NO SQUASH] Forward ports to branch-2.4
- 11117 [component: docs] Fix python3 incompatible print in callback docs
- 11134 [NO SQUASH] more ports from branch-2.3
- 11140 [component: build] Remove all cyclic dependencies from bokehjs
- 11145 [component: docs] More ref guide improvements
- 11183 [component: tests] Additional visual tests for Legend annotation
- 11187 [component: docs] Expand rst_epilog
- 11189 [component: tests] Update baselines for Chromium 90
- 11207 [component: tests] Include Dask testing dependencies in downstream CI
- 11210 [NO SQUASH] remove black codebase check (11208)
- 11219 Use dataclasses in
- 11220 Add support for lazy annotations boilerplate
- 11224 Full typescript for WebGL code
- 11225 Improve static typing in `bokeh.command`
- 11237 [NO SQUASH] 2.3.2 forward ports
- 11238 [component: bokehjs] Update to TS 4.3-dev and enable `noImplicitOverride`
- 11246 [component: build] Update bokehjs' dependencies
- 11252 [component: bokehjs] Fix webgl line alpha issues
- 11262 [component: bokehjs] Move WebGLRenderingContext use to ReGL
- 11272 [component: build] Upgrade TypeScript to 4.3-rc
- 11277 [component: bokehjs] WebGL line glyphs reuse arrays and buffers
- 11283 [component: bokehjs] Normalize string syntax across bokehjs
- 11286 [component: docs] docs: fix code snippet in Label
- 11289 [component: bokehjs] Allow `div(element)` instead of `div({}, element)`
- 11290 Statically type various parts of bokeh
- 11304 [component: docs] Update docs for BokehJS visual testing
- 11314 [component: build] Upgrade to TS 4.3 and refresh package lock files
- 11322 [component: docs] Add 'experimental' note to extensions chapter
- 11325 Fix typo in AuthProvider._validate error message. login_url instead of logout_url
- 11327 Fill-in missing `__future__` imports for lazy annotations
- 11329 Bump pillow from 8.1.1 to 8.2.0 in /docker-tools/debian
- 11330 Statically type more of bokeh
- 11332 Add return type annotation to `__init__`
- 11337 Add tests for SVG exports
- 11341 Statically type the return of `json_item()`
- 11342 [component: build] Refresh `bokehjs/package-lock.json`
- 11398 [component: docs] Add intro for categorical chapter
- 11399 [component: tests] Increase session_token_expiration (test)
- 11409 Bring up 2.3.x changes
- 11417 Consolidate pip dependencies
- 11419 Remove OrderedDict
- 11443 [component: docs] Update wording around output_file()
- 11454 Fix and cleanup scripts cruft
- 11458 [component: tests] Iurypiva/testing svg draw image
- 11459 [component: examples] Update
- 11463 Skip svg export test
- 11465 [component: bokehjs] Simplify the SVG backend
- 11467 [component: docs] Update to Sphinx 4.1
- 11473 Remove test and extra sections from meta.yaml
- 11482 Document Refs Cleanup (part 1)
- 11485 Add panel to downstream tests
- 11492 Document Refs Cleanup (part 2)
- 11494 [component: bokehjs] Update bokehjs' bundle sizes and dependencies
- 11495 [component: bokehjs] Properly test deferred rendering of `MathText` objects
- 11497 Document Refs Cleanup (part 3)
- 11499 Document Refs Cleanup (part 4)
- 11502 Quick fix for CI version check issue
- 11503 [component: build] Upgrade to TypeScript 4.4 RC
- 11509 Update resources for pep440 dev versions
- 11518 More modules under mypy
- 11525 [component: build] Add bokehjs' mathjax bundle
- 11532 [component: server] Allow extensions to modify applications in serve subcommand
- 11534 [component: build] Upgrade TypeScript to version 4.4
- 11535 Small Document fixes
- 11544 [component: docs] Update docs for math notations (LaTeX and MathML)
- 11559 [component: docs] Misc docs build changes
- 11566 [component: build] Update baselines for Chrome 93
- 11570 [component: examples] Add LaTeX axes examples
- 11581 [component: docs] Fix typos, line breaks, and links
- 11583 [component: examples] Add penguin dataset and example
- 11584 [component: bokehjs] Mathstring conveniences for axis_labels and tick labels
- 11586 [component: bokehjs] Add support for `legend_{label,field,group}` to bokehjs' `Figure`
- 11590 [component: docs] udpate release notes
- 11595 [component: bokehjs] Require space before blocks
- 11597 Misc MyPy work
- 11599 [component: docs] More 2.4 last minute docs
- 11604 [component: docs] Add and update examples


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 11083 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] column ignores css class scrollable from version 2.3.0
- 11110 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Bad formatting of y axis labels with theme different from standard
- 11161 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Div model layout differences between bokeh 2.2.3 and 2.3.1
- 11188 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Layout regression in panel introduced by PR 11123
- 11284 [component: bokehjs] Active tab should be in view on render
- 11344 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] plot's height can not go below 600px with sizing_mode = 'stretch_both'
- 11365 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] dropdown menu is hidden in multi choice, others are not
- 11380 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Extensions with package.json should fetch exact version from CDN
- 11384 [component: server] [BUG] app_index.html is missing quotes in href attribute

* tasks:
- 11242 [component: docs] Simplify instructions for GOOGLE_API_KEY
- 11377 Backport changes from 2.4 to 2.3.3
- 11406 [component: docs] Bryanv/2 3 3 release notes


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 11169 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Python callback triggered by SelectionGeometry event is slow compared to js equivalent
- 11182 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Forward slash is changed to %2F in link
- 11203 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Cannot clear active of RadiGroup

* tasks:
- 9636 Remove Black Formatting
- 11175 Replace jinja2.Markup deprecated with Jinja 3.1


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