
Latest version: v3.4.2

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* bugfixes:
- 1426 Mixins have vectorized properties which doesn't make sense outside glyphs
- 6781 HoverTool.renderers accept List(Renderer) but supports only List(GlyphRenderer)
- 8489 [component: bokehjs] Graphical bugs with webgl and time series data with NaN points
- 9951 [BUG] Impossible to use tuples as colors
- 10136 [component: bokehjs] Arrows - 'white background' under the arrow
- 10218 [component: server] [BUG] Periodic callback don't stop in Django
- 10339 [component: tests] examples' tests fail because headless browser doesn't start in time
- 10407 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Select is not updated upon setting value after changing the options
- 10411 [component: examples] [BUG] issues with latex_example_full
- 10452 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] MultiChoice disabled attribute is not working
- 10454 [component: bokehjs] LabelSet does not display with categorical coordinates
- 10457 [component: bokehjs] [BUG]Reverse Y axis range with circle
- 10458 [component: bokehjs] [BUG]multi_line doesn't support hover.
- 10468 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] `DateSlider` and `DateRangeSlider` ignore `format` set to an instance of `TickFormatter`
- 10481 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Unable to use CustomJS callback on HoverTool with GraphRenderer
- 10484 [component: docs] Typo in
- 10498 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] GridBox not rebuilt when changing cols or rows attributes
- 10506 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Hiding hex number from color swatch in hover tool
- 10507 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Cannot disable MultiSelect in 2.2.1
- 10536 [component: server] Bad `super` call in ""
- 10541 [component: bokehjs] [BUG]Slope annotation is not drawn with gradient of 0
- 10559 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Modifying a tooltip may result in errors
- 10575 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Whiskers do not appear in categorical plots?
- 10581 [component: docs] [BUG] Outdated example for CustomJSHover
- 10589 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] multi_line is rendered incorrectly when used with a view with filters
- 10594 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Whiskers `base` have reduced precision
- 10595 [component: docs] [BUG] Minor Typo in Gallery documentation.
- 10603 [component: build] [BUG] 2.3.0dev2 introduced an erroneous dependency on "python_abi 3.9.* *_cp39"
- 10604 [component: bokehjs] quote (') from networkx index node are translated to (&x27;)
- 10611 [component: bokehjs] bokehjs' unit tests fail after recent changes
- 10613 [component: docs] Add TOC to reference doc
- 10643 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] 2.3.0dev5 - Using a widget as a parameter in its own js callback throws 'Maximum call stack size exceeded' on JS side
- 10666 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Webgl perf regressions in branch-2.3
- 10668 [BUG] Warnings about integrity checks when using CDN resources with extension
- 10670 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] PolyEditTool vertices are not redrawn on data source update
- 10675 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] ScientificFormatter shows 0 as 0.000e+00
- 10695 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] MultiChoice options covered up by DataTable
- 10697 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] ScientificFormatter error formatting negative numbers
- 10702 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] TextAreaInput value_input no change event detected
- 10721 [component: build] CI is failing with ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bokeh'
- 10725 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] SVG backend mirrors image in plot
- 10738 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] MultiLine datetime precision loss
- 10754 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Hover indices broken
- 10755 [component: bokehjs] Unequal length columns cause size mismatch error
- 10784 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Differential re-rendering of updated plots
- 10809 [component: bokehjs] [BUG]figure labels missing after updating the CDS
- 10819 [component: docs] [BUG] Example in LabelSet documentation doesn't seem to be correct
- 10826 [component: bokehjs] SVG canvas doesn't implement `ctx.fill(fill_rule)`
- 10837 [component: bokehjs] Public style/**/*.d.ts are not robust enough for path mapping
- 10841 [BUG] Ensure non-nullable properties in JS are validated in Python
- 10851 [BUG] Layout regressions
- 10852 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Lasso tool does not render
- 10853 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Ajax and Server sent examples broken
- 10855 [component: bokehjs] Only main glyphs has signals connected in `GlyphRenderer`
- 10875 [component: docs] [BUG] Marker docs require updating
- 10879 [component: docs] [BUG] Link to export_svg() in export.rst is broken
- 10880 [BUG] ProxyToolbar.logo: expected a value of type str, got None
- 10913 [BUG] Error while testing 2.3.0dev13 with Dask
- 10924 [component: docs] [BUG]Custom Widget Example fails to load (2.3.0rc2)
- 10647 [component: bokehjs] [Spinner] Avoid twice incrementation with laptop pad
- 10701 Fix backwards compatibility alias for InspectTool
- 10760 [component: tests] Manually quote arguments to npx
- 10860 [component: bokehjs] Resolve IE compatibility issues

* features:
- 2230 [component: bokehjs] expose tap and hover tool hit radius
- 3674 Add DataModel base class
- 5618 [component: bokehjs] CategoricalColorMapper ColorBar
- 5676 [component: bokehjs] Encode colors as 32 bit integers by default
- 6835 [component: bokehjs] Vectorized Arrow Heads
- 7845 Allow both tap and doubletap gestures with TapTool
- 8169 [component: bokehjs] Line break in categorical axis labels
- 8954 [component: bokehjs] Adding support for superscript exponents
- 9169 [FEATURE] SVG export for gridplot
- 9847 [component: bokehjs] Add support for ES module entrypoint
- 9929 [component: bokehjs] Add hatch rendering to Box Annotation
- 10203 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] line_dash vectorizable where appropriate
- 10295 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Let AutocompleteInput accept input not present in completion list
- 10472 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Auto-ranging in network graphs
- 10505 [component: bokehjs] Add button_type with no border
- 10576 [FEATURE] 'transparent' as an alias for `rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)`
- 10599 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] BokehJS minimal example is not working
- 10612 [component: bokehjs] Hovertool does not work for dynamically added glyphs
- 10637 [component: bokehjs] Need "Edges" only inspected policy for graphs
- 10662 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE]Allow naming (title) of Tools
- 10798 [component: server] [FEATURE] Support Tornado WebSocket compression on server
- 10824 [component: bokehjs] Add Hatch Patterns for Glyphs
- 10836 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Add new star marker
- 10323 [component: bokehjs] Add support for smooth curve glyphs
- 10493 Accurate color bar ticking with eqhist mapping
- 10624 [component: bokehjs] Auto-generate index.ts based on tsconfig's input patterns
- 10640 Implement grad and turn CSS-based angle units
- 10734 [component: bokehjs] Add support for Less/CSS to extensions
- 10847 [component: bokehjs] Add star marker - webgl extension

* tasks:
- 8260 [component: tests] Strict "image diff" selenium tests
- 9007 [component: docs] [DOCS] Add mention of Themes to "Styling Visual Attributes" docs page
- 9297 [component: bokehjs] Relese dev npm packages along conda packages
- 9341 [component: build] Archive release artifacts
- 9858 [component: bokehjs] Publish prerelease npm packages under `dev` tag
- 9910 Remove Explicit Marker Models
- 9958 [BUG] Better warn about passing source in the CustomJSFilter args dict for 2.0 and above
- 10224 Rename main branch
- 10333 bokeh build includes copyright statement from Anaconda in my bokeh extension
- 10341 [component: docs] Developer Docs have outdated info on gen.coroutine decorator
- 10343 [component: bokehjs] Upgrade to TypeScript 4.0
- 10413 does not exercise webgl
- 10420 Delete old pypi packages at
- 10461 [BUG] Chrome driver fails on WSL2 Ubuntu 18 (and other containerized environments)
- 10465 [component: docs] [TASK?] docs/{release,installation}.rst have empty toctrees, which can be removed
- 10467 [component: docs] Redundant TOC in developer documentation can be removed
- 10473 [component: docs] Add link to community page on all websites
- 10486 [component: docs] Add check for GOOGLE_API_KEY in
- 10508 [component: bokehjs] Improve support icon only button by removing space
- 10514 [component: tests] Win / Python 3.8 CI job failing
- 10539 [component: docs] Help requested: Apply writing style guidelines to docs
- 10551 [component: docs] Missing `/y` option in windows make.bat slows down docs build
- 10614 [component: docs] Storing static PNG for OpenGraph
- 10628 [component: docs] Reference guide should display property defaults
- 10667 [component: docs] Cross reference user guide widgets examples to reference guide
- 10671 [component: docs] Unclear which Events `on_event` is compatible with
- 10673 [component: bokehjs] Unintended (?) changes to package(-lock).json
- 10728 [component: docs] [FEATURE] Linting for docs
- 10744 [component: docs] [BUG] Stamen Images Broken in Documentation in Chrome
- 10748 [component: docs] [BUG] DataTable documentation suggestions
- 10783 [component: examples] [FEATURE] example: improve performance for larger datasets
- 10803 [component: build] `conda` warnings from bokeh-ci workflow
- 10863 [component: server] [BUG] bokeh.client max nessage size not configurable
- 10883 [component: bokehjs] Update GMAP to use an unretired version of the javascipt api
- 10895 [component: docs] Document new types of color types and color arrays
- 10906 [component: docs] [BUG] hbar_stack example in documentation does not work
- 10908 [component: docs] [BUG] Update server.rst - "acme:com"?
- 10935 Dask compat issues w/ nullable
- 10433 [component: bokehjs] Migrate property definitions to use kinds
- 10450 [component: bokehjs] Miscellaneous refactorings in bokehjs
- 10469 [component: bokehjs] bokehjs development workflow improvements
- 10483 [component: docs] Add CoC information in documentation site
- 10491 [component: bokehjs] Split off range management code from PlotCanvas
- 10492 [component: bokehjs] Strictly type View.serializable_state()
- 10495 [component: tests] AutocompleteInput: add more tests
- 10500 [component: docs] Add style guidlines and refactor
- 10519 [component: docs] Restructure documentation landing page
- 10520 [component: docs] Improve inline/link colors for docs
- 10528 [component: docs] removed outdated CI instructions
- 10532 [component: docs] [Docs] Fix display of example boxes on very small screens
- 10537 [component: bokehjs] Factor out code from PlotView
- 10549 [component: docs] Annotation docs edits
- 10550 [component: build] Test on Python 3.9 in CI
- 10554 [component: tests] Pin pytest 6.0*
- 10556 [component: docs] Task 10539: Jupyter notebook edits
- 10562 [component: docs] 10539 layout.rst
- 10563 [component: docs] 10539 bokehjs.rst doc edit
- 10565 [component: docs] 10539 export.rst doc edit
- 10579 [component: docs] 10539 graph.rst doc edit
- 10591 [component: bokehjs] Improve bokehjs' code quality (part 0)
- 10592 [component: bokehjs] Clean up usage of `requestAnimationFrame`
- 10597 [component: docs] 10539 categorical.rst doc edit
- 10598 [component: docs] Switch sphinx-panels from pip to conda
- 10602 [component: bokehjs] Redesign how serialization works in bokehjs
- 10605 [component: docs] 10539 compat.rst
- 10610 [component: docs] 10539 geo.rst doc edit
- 10616 [component: docs] Add OpenGraph metadata to docs
- 10618 [component: bokehjs] Implement views for arrow head models
- 10625 [component: docs] align webgl.rst with style guide, task 10539
- 10632 [component: docs] 10539 applied style writing guidelines to tools.rst
- 10633 [component: docs] Fix new sphinx issue with bokeh.palettes
- 10634 [component: bokehjs] Update bokehjs' dependencies
- 10646 [component: bokehjs] Use the correct variant of hasOwnProperty check
- 10650 [component: bokehjs] Upgrade to TypeScript 4.1 RC
- 10653 [component: bokehjs] Split visuals into scalar and vector
- 10655 [component: bokehjs] Unify initialization of visuals and data
- 10660 [component: docs] Update glossary
- 10665 [component: docs] Add new first steps guide to replace quickstart
- 10679 [component: docs] 10539 embed.rst
- 10681 [component: bokehjs] Add an actual webgl backend test
- 10682 [component: docs] 10539 extensions.rst
- 10696 [component: docs] Update data.rst
- 10699 [component: build] Migrate CI {goanpeca->conda-incubator}/setup-miniconda
- 10707 [component: bokehjs] Detect dependency cycles in build and fix existing cycles
- 10708 [component: bokehjs] Upgrade to TypeScript 4.1 and upgrade other dependencies
- 10729 [component: docs] Edit first steps guides
- 10730 [component: bokehjs] Add support for publishing npm packages
- 10732 [component: bokehjs] Redesign inclusion of CSS modules into bokehjs
- 10759 [component: bokehjs] Upgrade to Chrome/Chromium browser 87.x
- 10764 [component: bokehjs] Add visual tests for Legend annotation
- 10766 [component: docs] 10539 plotting.rst
- 10779 [component: bokehjs] Redesign ColorBar in terms of the layout
- 10791 [component: docs] 10539 server.rst
- 10815 [component: bokehjs] Replace CSS based font metrics with canvas based
- 10823 [component: docs] Remove Vale
- 10829 [component: docs] Fix minor typos and inconsistencies
- 10832 [component: docs] Update concepts.rst and cli.rst
- 10835 [component: bokehjs] Infer viewport size in bokehjs integration tests
- 10843 Update copyright dates and bokehjs' license
- 10848 [component: docs] Incorrect Example updated
- 10862 Add Bokeh8 palette
- 10865 [component: bokehjs] Miscellaneous bokehjs build changes
- 10873 [component: docs] Update URL for numpy intersphinx inventory
- 10922 [component: bokehjs] Fix LogAxis' labels under rotation and add tests
- 10923 [component: bokehjs] Bump minimum nodejs version to 14+
- 10933 [component: docs] add 2.3 release notes


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 10488 [component: bokehjs] In python3, rectangle does not appear when x axis is type datetime


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 10453 [component: server] [BUG] KeyError when display certain glyphs on the server
- 10521 [component: bokehjs] Selectively update data when CDSView changes

* tasks:
- 10451 [component: bokehjs] Update bokehjs' dependencies


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 10426 [component: bokehjs] INLINE_LEGACY does not work (CDN.legacy = True does work)
- 10431 [component: server] [BUG] pull_session not working in Win10 without this import statement: 'from bokeh.server.server import Server'
- 10434 Bokeh not embedding plot in Django app sea_surface example [BUG]
- 10435 [BUG] Regression causing multiple js_on_event subscribers to be ignored
- 10443 [BUG] incorrect Plot._check_bad_extra_range_name
- 10448 [component: bokehjs] DataTable DateFormatter does not handle NaT


* bugfixes:
- 5589 Some WebGL not working on Safari
- 6775 [component: bokehjs] SVG backend not correctly coloring glyphs in legends
- 7707 [component: bokehjs] Linking the ranges of plots will break the LODEnd event
- 8046 [component: bokehjs] Extra whitespace with SVG export
- 8446 [component: bokehjs] SVG not displaying scatter output
- 8744 [component: bokehjs] Plots containing arrows fail to render correctly with svg output backend.
- 9001 [component: bokehjs] hatch_pattern and svg
- 9213 [component: bokehjs] Svg backend cannot draw annular_wedge correctly [BUG]
- 9436 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Arrow glyph does not update
- 9551 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] export_svg shifting x-axis upward and overlapping with ticks in Bokeh v1.4
- 9927 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] MultiChoice displayed value is not updating
- 10002 [component: bokehjs] Bokeh not rendering, stuck on Loading BokehJS [BUG]
- 10108 webdriver failing to find installed firefox/geckodriver
- 10146 [BUG] `js_on_event` doesn't work when used in a callback
- 10147 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] `TileRenderer` ignores the `visible` property
- 10153 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Typed Arrays returned as dicts
- 10164 custom latex examples do not run
- 10174 [BUG] Incorrect type of `Select.options`
- 10191 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Tools in toolbar flickering and occasionally ignores clicks when HoverTool and hover glyph used
- 10193 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] `GeoJSONDataSource` incorrectly processes `MultiPolygon` geometry type
- 10195 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] visual glitch on empty plots with a second y-axis
- 10215 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Band is not updated when the model is changed
- 10219 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Misplaced Rects when using incomplete categorical ranges
- 10233 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] bokeh js v2.x legacy libraries
- 10246 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] wegbl and gridplot with a visible=False element
- 10249 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] SaveTool generates smaller image than plot
- 10251 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] DataTable column sort not working with NaNs
- 10273 [BUG] export_svgs() function creats two files (one is empty)
- 10281 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] line selection is broken
- 10301 [component: bokehjs] bokehjs' version has duplicated dev suffix
- 10302 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Slider values increment by 2x steps
- 10305 [component: bokehjs] SVG backend doesn't respect NaN/non-finite values
- 10319 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] $name not being passed to hovertool for image plots
- 10320 [component: bokehjs] Plotting with transforms behavior change
- 10324 [component: bokehjs] Image Hover is broken
- 10334 [component: bokehjs] Chrome 84 breaks toolbar rendering
- 10336 [BUG] bokeh.embed.components outputs escaped javascript
- 10358 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] slickgrid import has syntax error
- 10361 [component: bokehjs] Autoload with widgets fails if earlier autoload does not specify widgets
- 10362 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] If axis label is added/removed, the layout is not changed right away
- 10365 [component: bokehjs] Tooltip chooses wrong side in grid plots
- 10367 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] NumericInput and Spinner several bugs
- 10370 [component: bokehjs] ImageURL doesn't respect anchor property when computing bounds
- 10394 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] Can't add tabs after closing a tab
- 10409 [component: examples] Spectrogram is broken
- 10412 [component: bokehjs] [BUG] server_session is completely broken
- 10238 [component: docs] Fix windows docs build issues
- 10244 [component: bokehjs] Handle type="module" w/o entry point packages
- 10271 fix over-quoting by components
- 10378 [component: bokehjs] Distinguish raw strings from HTML in replace_placeholders()

* features:
- 3653 [component: server] Use a different error for "can't open socket" vs "404"
- 6864 [component: bokehjs] DataTable autoEdit expose
- 8595 [component: bokehjs] [Feature request] Allow DataTable to take its natural height
- 8924 [component: bokehjs] Allow to derive ColorBar's low/high from data
- 9169 [FEATURE] SVG export for gridplot
- 9654 [FEATURE] Iterate over submodels of a model and draw submodel graph
- 9956 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] varea_stack support in bokehjs
- 10179 [component: bokehjs] [FEATURE] Allow any number in spinner using step=None
- 10265 [FEATURE] Add a DocumentReady event
- 10374 [FEATURE] Allow defining custom format for NaNs in DataTable NumberFormatter
- 10066 [component: bokehjs] Add support for copying canvas to clipboard
- 10353 Enhancements for DataTable

* tasks:
- 10083 [component: bokehjs] bokehjs needs a better assertion framework
- 10086 [component: tests] Restore BokehJS linting
- 10089 [component: bokehjs] Simplify/refactor filters in bokehjs
- 10207 Need to run CI on release branches
- 10209 [component: bokehjs] Naming for new coordinate systems
- 10213 [component: build] Issues / Changelog script will need update
- 10234 [component: bokehjs] Improve responsiveness when hovering over many points
- 10252 Deprecate Oval?
- 10282 [component: docs] Update blog links on all websites to point to Medium
- 10283 [component: docs] Contributing guide needs updating wrt. BEP 6
- 10284 [component: tests] [BUG] Housekeeping: remove documentation references to py.test
- 10289 Housekeeping: Update python idioms
- 10306 [BUG] cElementTree has been deprecated and will be removed in favor of ElementTree
- 10310 [component: docs] [BUG] Link in docs is not working for fill color property
- 10329 [component: bokehjs] Change NumberArray to Float32Array?
- 10344 [component: docs] Documentation and examples updates for 2.2 release
- 10347 [component: docs] Adding links to BEP 6 and BEP landing page to developer docs
- 10397 [component: docs] Color site for OpenURL no longer exists
- 10161 [component: bokehjs] Redefine min()/max() and introduce minmax() function
- 10162 [component: bokehjs] Reduce memory footprint of data indexing
- 10163 [component: bokehjs] Don't sort indices by distance in _hit_point()
- 10176 [component: bokehjs] Ensure typed arrays are used for storing numerical data
- 10185 [component: bokehjs] Fill in the gaps in bokehjs' property definitions
- 10187 [component: docs] Fix typo in docs.
- 10200 [component: bokehjs] PlotLayout -> core.layout.BorderLayout
- 10201 [component: bokehjs] Drop layout's computed variables in favour of bbox
- 10202 [component: bokehjs] A basis for sub-coordinate systems
- 10208 [component: bokehjs] Rewrite gloo in TypeScript and add it to bokehjs
- 10222 [component: build] Fixes for sphinx 3.1.1
- 10225 [component: bokehjs] Improve performance by replacing _build_discontinuous_regions()
- 10226 [component: bokehjs] Optimize `HasProps.setv(attrs, {silent: true})`
- 10227 Forward merge from 2.1.1
- 10229 [component: bokehjs] Redesign the implementation of CDSView's filters
- 10235 [component: bokehjs] Redesign "materialization" of data specs
- 10239 [component: build] Release Automation (pt 1)
- 10240 [component: bokehjs] Corrected EqHistColorMapper with inverted colormap edge transform
- 10241 [component: bokehjs] Allow to resize images in visual tests
- 10257 [component: docs] Misc warnings cleanup
- 10260 [component: docs] 8448 Fix typo "do no yet work" -> "do not yet work" in bokeh/sphinx/source/docs/user_guide/interaction/legends.rst
- 10262 [component: bokehjs] Bump electron from 1.8.8 to 9.1.0 in /bokehjs/examples/electron
- 10269 [component: docs] Fix typos in User Guide
- 10272 [component: bokehjs] Improve performance of selections
- 10275 [component: docs] Fix minor typos
- 10277 [component: docs] Docs change anaconda install source
- 10298 Add bokeh logo palette; remove rogue double-quote from template
- 10304 [component: docs] Add note about nginx large_client_header_buffers to docs
- 10315 [component: bokehjs] Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 in /bokehjs
- 10316 [component: server] Require auth on WSHandler
- 10330 [component: bokehjs] Initial webgl cleanup
- 10337 [component: docs] Fix typos in Dev Guide
- 10338 [component: bokehjs] Replace for-in loop with for-of and keys()/values()/entries()
- 10342 [component: bokehjs] Update bokehjs/package.json
- 10346 [component: tests] Perform eslint checks on codebase tests
- 10348 [component: bokehjs] Upgrade to SlickGrid 2.4.27
- 10350 [component: bokehjs] Fix bokehjs' legacy bundles
- 10352 Rev pillow version for sec advisory
- 10354 [component: bokehjs] Code dupe experiements
- 10357 [component: docs] Update out of date HoverTool docstring
- 10363 [component: bokehjs] Modernized DataTable styling
- 10393 [component: tests] Mark webdriver's tests as flaky
- 10402 [component: bokehjs] Redesign SVG backen


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