
Latest version: v3.4.2

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* bugfixes:
- 1801 Bokeh server crashing when reloading flask app
- 1909 Make tooltips properly centered on data points
- 1910 [docs] [examples] Fix charts gallery
- 1914 Remove spurious curplot
- 1918 Nameerror: name 'jsbuild' is not defined
- 1920 [regression] Examples/plotting/file/ broken after 0.8 release
- 1921 [docs] [regression] Tutorial gallery is broken
- 1922 [examples] App_reveal fails importing old plotting stuff
- 1925 [docs] Docs error in chart section
- 1933 [docs] Bokeh glyph quick reference 404 (docs)
- 1940 Spectrogram needs updating to use figure()
- 1943 `publishing` example from the `embed` directory fails
- 1945 [docs] More broken doc links
- 1946 [docs] Fix charts on userguide showing old functionality
- 1963 Feature/fix ar zoom
* features:
- 899 [docs] Hosted server examples in the gallery
- 1929 [starter] Image glyph method should have a default palette
* tasks:
- 1731 [docs] Add a section about bokeh-scala/bokeh.jl/... to main documentation
- 1905 Better error messages for blaze version mismatch


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 165 May need to dilate canvas 1px
- 766 Resize handle offset when there are axis labels
- 833 Screen units for x,y
- 1221 Call to `show()` not displaying figure in ipython notebook
- 1286 Decouple show method in charts
- 1296 Map_from_screen broken
- 1305 [docs] `cd sphinx; make html` fails
- 1522 Tools "help button" issues
- 1578 Donut charts example not drawing annular lines
- 1584 Investigate serialization of alpha values
- 1702 [build] Running bokeh-server in development environment under windows
- 1705 [docs] Reset doesn't reset box select
- 1709 [examples] Selection_update stack trace when doing pan/zoom/select ops
- 1717 [docs] Documentation: wrong title font property name in user guide
- 1721 [docs] Documentation: user guide describes unsupported axis locations
- 1723 [bokehjs] Setting plot_{width,height} doesn't work
- 1738 [docs] [starter] Reference guide formatting issues
- 1749 [bokehjs] Datatable requires columndatasource to have an `index` field
- 1753 Make sure sys is available for sys.exit() call on failure
- 1761 Importing bokeh breaks standard python if ipython also installed
- 1775 Using bokeh keyword in host url affect config.prefix value
- 1787 [docs] Autoload script examples out of date
- 1798 Use_prefix for include not functioning completely correctly
- 1809 Seems to be some curplot leftover in the codebase
- 1821 Bokeh ipython magic imports plotting.hold, but plotting.hold is dead
- 1824 [regression] Bokeh_pretty doesn't have an effect
- 1835 Enable runs of travisci in branches tagged with[rc].xxxxxxxx form
- 1837 Fix any caracther in the ruby regex to support the tag containing sha
- 1838 Hotfix for files encryption
- 1839 [docs] Fix parameter name: host -> root_url
- 1840 Fix broken werkzeug import in bokeh-server
- 1864 Fix charts not working with server
- 1876 Boxplot chart does not work with iterables of lists
- 1896 [docs] Fix up docstring table rendering in sphinx
- 1897 [docs] Make source location in glyphs docstrings be actual links
- 1902 Feature/server gallery
- 1904 [examples] Change [x,y]_label to [x,y]label in charts examples
* features:
- 380 Add some examples of mplsupport inside ipython notebooks
- 586 [tests] Add sphinx tutorials to travis
- 626 [starter] Make radius dimension configurable for circles
- 749 Adding support for a constrained box zoom
- 822 [docs] Update docs with architecture diagram
- 842 [bokehjs] Add axis label formatters (sprintf-style, etc.)
- 889 Bokeh.plotting.patches line_dash argument only takes a list
- 987 [starter] Pan and zoom in categorical plots
- 1091 [bokehjs] Text autocomplete widget
- 1217 Make bokeh-server gunicorn friendly
- 1257 Embedding using matplotlib compatibility layer
- 1281 Scatter doesn't have box zoom
- 1375 Load bokehjs in a notebook during `import bokeh`
- 1464 Charts palette should be configurable
- 1478 [bokehjs] Hoverplot.tooltips should allow html and/or markdown and/or
- 1515 Restore bokehjs interface
- 1546 We need to support bokeh[version].[min].js[css] in the cdn to support devel builds
- 1574 charts should be subclasses of plot
- 1635 Implement blaze/remote data source to support streaming data in plots
- 1682 Ajax/json data source
- 1703 Extending/fixing crossfilter
- 1730 Being able to hide the axis
- 1733 Adding horizon high-level chart (clean version)
- 1734 Bound needs to accept datetime obects
- 1746 [docs] Add simple inline examples to all or most glyph functions
- 1768 Enable tabbed faceting on crossfilter
- 1779 Try to only build on master
- 1780 Negative bar charts
- 1786 [starter] Vbox/hbox should accept single list as well
- 1788 Build on travis ideas
- 1792 Allow grids to shade alternating bands
- 1795 [bokehjs] Tap+open url
- 1799 Copy on write
- 1802 [examples] Add glyphs/linked_tap_server example
- 1815 Step chart should use line, not segment
- 1816 [docs] Add bokeh-plot examples to chart docstrings
- 1823 Add support for bokeh_dev=true python
- 1858 Feature/multiuser applet support
- 1862 Hotfix to support local docs with a correct bokehjs
- 1887 Feature/blaze interface
* tasks:
- 906 [docs] Axis and grid needs an update in the user guide
- 946 [docs] Columndatasource documentation update
- 1060 [docs] Document that some ar example need scipy + pil to work
- 1148 [build] Dev build sdists do no carry correct version info
- 1170 [docs] Need documentation for bokeh server
- 1503 [bokehjs] Remove unused datafactorrange
- 1518 [build] Build/release automation improvements.
- 1540 Some improvements on the devel build
- 1568 Programmatically upload bokeh js/css to the container
- 1571 Remove deprecated plotting api
- 1593 Scatter plot demo with linked density histograms
- 1656 Plotting.gridplot setting id from name


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 127 Implement proper caching headers and gzip on
- 167 It is possible to outrun the resize tool edit
- 236 Opening a notebook containing embed.js causes typeerror if bokeh-server was restarted
- 382 Hover tool pops up in odd places in the notebook
- 520 Let escape reset selections
- 593 Gridplot breaks layout / overlaps next input cell in ipython notbook
- 821 Need explicit synchronization for render loop
- 1265 Handontable rendering issue
- 1316 Examples/app/stock_applet does not work when embedded
- 1385 Server/ example failing on master
- 1397 Dropdown tool buttons don't have tooltips and dropdown menus broken
- 1409 [tests] Tests sometimes fail with `websockettimeoutexception` on travis-ci
- 1490 Scatter chart auto creates wrong x/y labels
- 1510 [regression] Hover tool behaviour with multiple renderers
- 1513 [build] Update tutorial gallery to new api
- 1523 [docs] Gallery thumbs out of sync
- 1527 Dot chart segment badly renders in some use cases
- 1529 Donut chart is broken when called with dataframe inputs
- 1535 [docs] Obsolete returned value in plotting.figure() documentation
- 1539 Debugjs setting was broken
- 1545 Grey9 very light with 0.7.0
- 1551 Donut chart is broken when called with iterables of non float values
- 1554 Mpl.to_bokeh() should return a handle to the plot
- 1556 Travis ci failures
- 1592 Bokehjs unrecoverable errors in notebook
- 1601 still relies on global state
- 1605 [regression] Remove 0xa0 characters (and encode source files properly)
- 1606 $ can get overridden in the notebook
- 1613 [docs] Corrected typo to fix issue 1612
- 1621 Charts behaviour when notebook=true and server arguments are specified
- 1622 Minor selection bugs
- 1625 Plot.add_tool wrong error message
- 1627 [regression] Resources(..., minified=false) in bokeh.plotting
- 1628 Typo fix ``line_with`` -> ``line_width`` in ipython interactive widgets notebook example
- 1643 Don't request_render() twice during plot initialization
- 1644 Hovertool with snap_to_data=true fails on some glyphs
- 1654 Line downsample zoom to fine-level detail results in error on js client
- 1658 [docs] Fix typo
- 1660 Pan/zoom being allowed on categorical charts
- 1679 Slider should accept float stepwise
* features:
- 190 Selection architecture
- 596 Need to support italic+bold font style in textproperties enum
- 646 [docs] Specifing a parameter without any usage does not result in a warning
- 696 There should be a way to control order that renderers are drawn
- 978 Bokeh command line tool
- 1134 Add_glyph()'s signature should have `glyph` as the first argument
- 1220 Histogram normalization
- 1459 Charts should make tools configurable
- 1484 Add glyphs/sprint example
- 1489 Authentication refactoring
- 1507 Odd histogram behaviour
- 1516 Easy range1d interface
- 1524 Some matplotlib markers are not handled correctly
- 1538 [tests] Add charts base tests
- 1557 Mpl.to_bokeh() should use the same tools found in bokeh.plotting.figure
- 1567 Use the containerized travisci infrastructure
- 1629 Charts.gmap class
- 1636 Gridplot should accept none for empty positions
- 1657 Add/improve minimal cli features
- 1663 [docs] [documentation] on embedding
- 1665 [docs] Embed simple
* tasks:
- 1129 [docs] Bokehjs documentation nor source does not mention that it uses jquery and jqueryui
- 1406 Remove bokeh.{objects,glyphs,widgets}
- 1471 [tests] Add tests for dataadapter and new charts implementation
- 1472 Remove bokeh.charts.categoricalheatmap and promote heatmap as only heatmap chart available
- 1475 Improve bokeh.chart code style and docstrings



Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 598 Hover tool doesn't work with gridplot
- 616 Less build doesn't properly detect changes
- 623 Issue with inverted ranges
- 704 Errow message in windows
- 798 Embedded notebook style problem
- 802 Toolbar hidden behind gridplot when wrapped
- 804 Spaces in file name causes problems when distributing via rdist on unix-like os
- 808 Cannot style minor ticks
- 827 Spectrogram app not working: missing
- 870 Need real solution for mpl plot clone problem
- 881 Changes script output needs manual intervention
- 919 Bokeh/examples/glyphs examples broken
- 926 Legends don't appear on a plot in the order they're given
- 927 [docs] Bad state on save
- 936 Remove google maps js from _page_base.html
- 972 Hover in plots stops working in angularjs upon navigation
- 983 [docs] Bar chart is not documented
- 1021 Running stock_app and slider_app fails on reload
- 1027 [regression] Bokeh 0.5 over 10x slower than 0.4.4
- 1055 Current install released js with devel build using pip but not with conda
- 1062 Cleaning some examples failures
- 1076 [tests] Mpl 1.4.0 is causing failures in test through the mplexporter
- 1192 `conda install bokeh` not installing pyzmq
- 1202 Gridplot() renders new toolbar in a funky way
- 1245 Wheel zoom not working with chrome
- 1252 Tool order inconsistent across all examples
- 1267 Mapoptions json encoding problem
- 1271 Fix for axis types string comparision (is vs ==)
- 1287 Sorting/selecting broken in ht example
- 1293 [regression] Plots with vertical toolbar have extra space above the plot
- 1295 Make selection geometry available to the python side
- 1298 Line_color=none not respected
- 1299 Multiple plots now stack horizontally
- 1300 Hover tool does not display
- 1303 Stocks app histograms do no update on selection
- 1306 Crossfilter filter does not work
- 1313 'help' button text box sometimes disappears before you can click 'learn more'
- 1314 Tools don't have a blue underline in notebook and server examples
- 1319 displays overlapping bars
- 1320 Multiple gmapplot instances on a single document causes errors
- 1337 not python 3 compatable
- 1338 Bugfix/py3 palettes (closes 1337)
- 1342 Linked brushing broken in notebook
- 1343 Gridplot causes javascript error in notebook
- 1348 Fix gridplots with hover tools
- 1367 Properly set map div height
- 1377 Data table not displaying
- 1378 [docs] Fix spelling: s/embded/embed/
- 1380 Fix "python build"
- 1384 - fixing document merging
- 1386 [regression] Fixing crossfilter
- 1400 Hasprops.clone() should use changed_properties_with_values()
- 1403 [build] Meta.yaml doesn't specify minimal tornado version
- 1414 Broken server downsample -- property 'type' not found
- 1415 Server downsample -- pandas error
- 1417 Fix typo
- 1422 Strange "nan" string in some mpl plots
- 1425 Bokeh cdn assets are currently unavailable
- 1427 Plotting/file/periodic and plotting/file/hover broken on master
- 1429 Broken examples on master
- 1431 [windows] Notebooks/animated not working (only on windows) on master
- 1433 Tools get lost on grid plots
- 1435 Embed fontawesome's fonts in css (to avoid 404 errors)
- 1442 [regression] Fix spectrogram issues
- 1446 Plotting/server/image example broken on master
- 1461 Some gridplot issues
- 1466 Abstract rendering -- deserialize on client js not working
- 1474 Charts markers not showing correctly on legend
- 1485 More specific css - otherwise when bokeh plots are embedded inside list
- 1496 Fix unitialized var usage in bokeh.index
- 1500 Fix charts not working with server output
* features:
- 72 Mechanism to express color mappings to bokehjs
- 144 Add an example with multiple axes
- 543 Websockets refactoring
- 546 for server session should just show a single object
- 547 Don't include gmaps api script in templates
- 683 Remove pandasdatasource
- 693 Examples/app/applet should use bokeh.sampledata
- 761 [docs] Hard to find example notebooks
- 774 Modify to handle release candidates
- 849 We need a tools refactor
- 863 Allow plot frame/tools to be configurable
- 911 Rewrite spectrogram demo to use mostly python
- 918 Multiple axis exposed on the python side
- 1198 Abstract rendering: version check
- 1225 Replace glyphspecs with the properties system
- 1240 Support for geojs maps
- 1273 Feature/geojs
- 1285 Single axis zoom
- 1294 Feature/more tools
- 1309 Passing iterables straight to bokeh.charts (histogram)
- 1321 Small tweaks to the coffeescript
- 1327 Add 'help' to properties
- 1345 Refactor plotting interface
- 1351 Allow to specify alternative types for properties
- 1359 Cleanup of table widgets
- 1368 Add option (maybe default?) for bokeh logo to be de-saturated and placed on the rhs of the toolbar
- 1372 More systematic approach to tool validation
- 1374 Feature/server startup cleanup
- 1392 Support subtyping for view models
- 1411 Update examples to use new plotting api
- 1437 Need methods to clear docs
- 1451 Add glyphs/calendars example
- 1488 Method to update data source contents in the notebook
* tasks:
- 836 Dev packages should be available at least for linux-64 and osx
- 862 Remove data files in bokeh/tests
- 880 Credentials for the release
- 907 Rename
- 909 Simplify dataspecs
- 950 [docs] Update quickstart/bokeh.js build instructions
- 999 Migration to bokeh organization
- 1004 Change - building js
- 1243 Clicking buttons in plots embedded in forms triggers form submit
- 1250 Add more properties to handsontable, e.g. {row,column}_resize
- 1251 Tools hidden by default in plotting/server/


Not secure
* bugfixes:
- 730 Hover tool failing
- 854 Hover when hold is true
- 947 Toolbar moves to bottom if window is not wide enough
- 1144 Support rc candidates in devel builds
- 1157 Active tool underline doesn't line up with gray bar
- 1160 X overflow doesn't trigger vertical scrollbar
- 1175 Toolbar icons remain in "depressed" state even after toggled off
- 1179 [tests] Test script does not handle release number version
- 1187 [regression] Toolbar changes break grid plots
- 1195 Gmap plot zoom broken and has positioning error
- 1200 Fix query for conjuctions
- 1203 Bokeh-server -d: double prints server configuration
- 1219 Need to store document in decorator
- 1222 [docs] Inaccurate docstrings for xaxis() and axis() in
- 1226 Support devel build with miniconda 3
- 1233 Use $.contains(...) to detect that element was added to dom
- 1235 [docs] Bokehjs: website links and npm package not up to date (v.0.6)
- 1237 [tests] Unpin matplotlib and delete mplexporter tests
- 1249 Fix error instantiating close wrapper
* features:
- 992 Toolbar improvements
- 1131 Button widgets
- 1194 Expose google map type to python
- 1197 Add glyphs/trail example (altitude profile + map)
- 1216 Update version change script
- 1223 [docs] Add axis labels to plots in tutorial
* tasks:
- 933 Make --build_js the default
- 980 Complete hands on table
- 1177 [docs] Add contributors.rst
- 1180 [build] [docs] Updates to reflect not checking in bokehjs releases

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