
Latest version: v6.122.3

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Not secure

This release significantly improves the data distribution in :doc:`rule based stateful testing <stateful>`,
by using a technique called `Swarm Testing (Groce, Alex, et al. "Swarm testing."
Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. ACM, 2012.) <https://agroce.github.io/issta12.pdf>`_
to select which rules are run in any given test case. This should allow it to find many issues that it would previously have missed.

This change is likely to be especially beneficial for stateful tests with large numbers of rules.


Not secure

This release adds some heuristics to test case generation that try to ensure that test cases generated early on will be relatively small.

This fixes a bug introduced in :ref:`Hypothesis 4.42.0 <v4.42.0>` which would cause occasional
:obj:`~hypothesis.HealthCheck.too_slow` failures on some tests.


Not secure

This release revokes the deprecation of ``find``, as we've now rebuilt it on top of
``given``, which means it has minimal maintenance burden and we're happy to support it.


Not secure

This release rebuilds ``find()`` on top of ``given`` in order to have more code in common.
It should have minimal user visible effect.


Not secure

This patch removes an internal compatibility shim that we no longer need.


Not secure

This patch fixes several typos in our docstrings and comments,
with no change in behaviour. Thanks to Dmitry Dygalo for
identifying and fixing them!

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