This patch refactors some internals, continuing our work on supporting alternative backends (:issue:`3086`). There is no user-visible change.
This patch adds a :ref:`test statistics <statistics>` event when a generated example is rejected via :func:`assume <hypothesis.assume>`.
This may also help with distinguishing ``gave_up`` examples in :doc:`observability <observability>` (:issue:`3827`).
This introduces the rewriting of length filters on some collection strategies (:issue:`3791`).
Thanks to Reagan Lee for implementing this feature!
If a test uses :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.sampled_from` on a sequence of strategies, and raises a ``TypeError``, we now :pep:`add a note <678>` asking whether you meant to use :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.one_of`.
Thanks to Vince Reuter for suggesting and implementing this hint!
This patch registers explicit strategies for a handful of builtin types, motivated by improved introspection in PyPy 7.3.14 triggering existing internal warnings. Thanks to Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick for helping us work out what changed!
This patch fixes an error when writing :doc:`observability <observability>` reports without a pre-existing ``.hypothesis`` directory.