
Latest version: v6.122.3

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Not secure

This patch reformats our code with the latest :pypi:`black` to
take advantage of the support for magic trailing commas.


Not secure

This release significantly improves the performance of Hypothesis's internal
implementation of automaton learning. However this code does not run as part
of the user-accessible API so this has no user-visible impact.


Not secure

This patch ensures that, when the ``generate`` :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.phases`
is disabled, we can replay up to :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.max_examples` examples
from the database - which is very useful when
:ref:`using Hypothesis with a fuzzer <fuzz_one_input>`.

Thanks to Afrida Tabassum for fixing :issue:`2585`!


Not secure

This patch changes some internal :obj:`python:struct.Struct.format` strings
from ``bytes`` to ``str``, to avoid :class:`python:BytesWarning` when running
`python -bb <https://docs.python.org/3/using/cmdline.html#cmdoption-b>`__.

Thanks to everyone involved in `pytest-xdist issue 596
:bpo:`16349`, :bpo:`21071`, and :bpo:`41777` for their work on this -
it was a remarkably subtle issue!


Not secure

The :func:`~hypothesis.target` function now accepts integers as well as floats.


Not secure

This patch adds explicit :obj:`~python:typing.Optional` annotations to our public API,
to better support users who run :pypi:`mypy` with ``--strict`` or ``no_implicit_optional=True``.

Thanks to Krzysztof Przybyła for bringing this to our attention and writing the patch!

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