
Latest version: v6.112.1

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Not secure

Codename: Nothing to see here

This is just a patch release put out because it fixed some internal bugs that would
block the Django integration release but did not actually affect anything anyone could
previously have been using. It also contained a minor quality fix for floats that
I'd happened to have finished in time.

* Fix some internal bugs with object lifecycle management that were impossible to
hit with the previously released versions but broke hypothesis-django.
* Bias floating point numbers somewhat less aggressively towards very small numbers


Not secure

Codename: No-one mention the M word.

* Unicode strings are more strongly biased towards ascii characters. Previously they
would generate all over the space. This is mostly so that people who try to
shape their unicode strings with assume() have less of a bad time.
* A number of fixes to data deserialization code that could theoretically have
caused mysterious bugs when using an old version of a Hypothesis example
database with a newer version. To the best of my knowledge a change that could
have triggered this bug has never actually been seen in the wild. Certainly
no-one ever reported a bug of this nature.
* Out of the box support for Decimal and Fraction.
* new dictionary specifier for dictionaries with variable keys.
* Significantly faster and higher quality simplification, especially for
collections of data.
* New filter() and flatmap() methods on Strategy for better ways of building
strategies out of other strategies.
* New BasicStrategy class which allows you to define your own strategies from
scratch without needing an existing matching strategy or being exposed to the
full horror or non-public nature of the SearchStrategy interface.


Not secure

Codename: Blast-off!

There are no code changes in this release. This is precisely the 0.9.2 release
with some updated documentation.


Not secure

Codename: T-1 days.

* floats_in_range would not actually have produced floats_in_range unless that
range happened to be (0, 1). Fix this.


Not secure

Codename: T-2 days.

* Fix a bug where if you defined a strategy using map on a lambda then the results would not be saved in the database.
* Significant performance improvements when simplifying examples using lists, strings or bounded integer ranges.


Not secure

Codename: The final countdown

This release could also be called 1.0-RC1.

It contains a teeny tiny bugfix, but the real point of this release is to declare
feature freeze. There will be zero functionality changes between 0.9.0 and 1.0 unless
something goes really really wrong. No new features will be added, no breaking API changes
will occur, etc. This is the final shakedown before I declare Hypothesis stable and ready
to use and throw a party to celebrate.

Bug bounty for any bugs found between now and 1.0: I will buy you a drink (alcoholic,
caffeinated, or otherwise) and shake your hand should we ever find ourselves in the
same city at the same time.

The one tiny bugfix:

* Under pypy, databases would fail to close correctly when garbage collected, leading to a memory leak and a confusing error message if you were repeatedly creating databases and not closing them. It is very unlikely you were doing this and the chances of you ever having noticed this bug are very low.

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