
Latest version: v6.122.3

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This patch makes ``FailedHealthCheck`` and ``DeadlineExceeded`` exceptions
picklable, for compatibility with Django's parallel test runner (:issue:`3426`).



Reporting of :obj:`multiple failing examples <hypothesis.settings.report_multiple_bugs>`
now uses the :pep:`654` `ExceptionGroup <https://docs.python.org/3.11/library/exceptions.html#ExceptionGroup>`__ type, which is provided by the
:pypi:`exceptiongroup` backport on Python 3.10 and earlier (:issue:`3175`).
``hypothesis.errors.MultipleFailures`` is therefore deprecated.

Failing examples and other reports are now stored as :pep:`678` exception notes, which
ensures that they will always appear together with the traceback and other information
about their respective error.



:func:`~hypothesis.extra.django.from_field` now supports ``UsernameField``
from :mod:`django.contrib.auth.forms`.

Thanks to Afonso Silva for reporting and working on :issue:`3417`.



This patch improves the error message when you pass filenames to the :command:`hypothesis write`
CLI, which takes the name of a module or function (e.g. :command:`hypothesis write gzip` or
:command:`hypothesis write package.some_function` rather than :command:`hypothesis write script.py`).

Thanks to Ed Rogers for implementing this as part of the SciPy 2022 sprints!



This patch ensures that the warning for non-interactive ``.example()``
points to your code instead of Hypothesis internals (:issue:`3403`).

Thanks to jameslamb for this fix.



This patch makes :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.integers` more likely to
generate boundary values for large two-sided intervals (:issue:`2942`).

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