This release deprecates the use of :class:`~hypothesis.settings` as a context manager, the use of which is somewhat ambiguous.
Users should define settings with global state or with the :func:`settings(...) <hypothesis.settings>` decorator.
Not secure
Fixed a bug in generating an instance of a Django model from a strategy where the primary key is generated as part of the strategy. See :ref:`details here <django-generating-primary-key>`.
Thanks to Tim Martin for this contribution.
Not secure
This release adds the :func:`initialize <hypothesis.stateful.initialize>` decorator for stateful testing (originally discussed in :issue:`1216`). All :func:`initialize <hypothesis.stateful.initialize>` rules will be called once each in an arbitrary order before any normal rule is called.
Not secure
This is a no-op release to take into account some changes to the release process. It should have no user visible effect.
Not secure
This adds support for partially sorting examples which cannot be fully sorted. For example, [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0] with a constraint that the first element needs to be larger than the last becomes [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0].
Thanks to Luke for contributing.
Not secure
This patch uses :func:`python:random.getstate` and :func:`python:random.setstate` to restore the PRNG state after :func:`given <hypothesis.given>` runs deterministic tests. Without restoring state, you might have noticed problems such as :issue:`1266`. The fix also applies to stateful testing (:issue:`702`).