
Latest version: v6.122.3

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Not secure

This patch shortens tracebacks from Hypothesis, so you can see exactly
happened in your code without having to skip over irrelevant details
about our internals (:issue:`848`).

In the example test (see :pull:`1582`), this reduces tracebacks from
nine frames to just three - and for a test with multiple errors, from
seven frames per error to just one!

If you *do* want to see the internal details, you can disable frame
elision by setting :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.verbosity` to ``debug``.


Not secure

The abstract number classes :class:`~python:numbers.Number`,
:class:`~python:numbers.Complex`, :class:`~python:numbers.Real`,
:class:`~python:numbers.Rational`, and :class:`~python:numbers.Integral`
are now supported by the :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type`
strategy. Previously, you would have to use
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.register_type_strategy` before they
could be resolved (:issue:`1636`)


Not secure

This release adds a CLI flag for verbosity ``--hypothesis-verbosity`` to
the Hypothesis pytest plugin, applied after loading the profile specified by
``--hypothesis-profile``. Valid options are the names of verbosity settings,
quiet, normal, verbose or debug.

Thanks to Bex Dunn for writing this patch at the PyCon Australia

The pytest header now correctly reports the current profile if
``--hypothesis-profile`` has been used.

Thanks to Mathieu Paturel for the contribution at the Canberra Python


Not secure

This release has deprecated the generation of integers, floats and fractions
when the conversion of the upper and/ or lower bound is not 100% exact, e.g.
when an integer gets passed a bound that is not a whole number. (:issue:`1625`)

Thanks to Felix Grünewald for this patch during Hacktoberfest 2018.


Not secure

This minor release adds functionality to :obj:`~hypothesis.settings` allowing
it to be used as a decorator on :obj:`~hypothesis.stateful.RuleBasedStateMachine`
and ``GenericStateMachine``.

Thanks to Tyler Nickerson for this feature in hacktoberfest!


Not secure

This patch fixes some warnings added by recent releases of
:pypi:`pydocstyle` and :pypi:`mypy`.

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