This patch removes some unnecessary code from the internals. There is no user-visible change.
Not secure
This patch fixes an internal bug where a corrupted argument to :func:`reproduce_failure <hypothesis.reproduce_failure>` could raise the wrong type of error. Thanks again to Paweł T. Jochym, who maintains Hypothesis on `conda-forge <>`_ and consistently provides excellent bug reports including :issue:`1558`.
Not secure
This patch updates hypothesis to report its version and settings when run with pytest. (:issue:`1223`).
Thanks to Jack Massey for this feature.
Not secure
This release adds a ``fullmatch`` argument to :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_regex`. When ``fullmatch=True``, the whole example will match the regex pattern as for :func:`python:re.fullmatch`.
Thanks to Jakub Nabaglo for writing this patch at the PyCon Australia sprints!
Not secure
This release reverts the changes to logging handling in 3.69.11, which broke test that use the :pypi:`pytest` ``caplog`` fixture internally because all logging was disabled (:issue:`1546`).
Not secure
This patch will hide all logging messages produced by test cases before the final, minimal, failing test case (:issue:`356`).
Thanks to Gary Donovan for writing this patch at the PyCon Australia sprints!