This patch continues the work started in :pull:`3651` by adding :pypi:`ruff` linter rules for :pypi:`pyflakes`, :pypi:`flake8-comprehensions`, and :pypi:`flake8-implicit-str-concat`.
This patch updates our linter stack to use :pypi:`ruff`, and fixes some previously-ignored lints. Thanks to Christian Clauss for his careful review and :pull:`3651`!
Hypothesis will now record an event for more cases where data is marked invalid, including for exceeding the internal depth limit.
This patch fixes :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.complex_numbers` accidentally invalidating itself when passed magnitude arguments for 32 and 64-bit widths, i.e. 16- and 32-bit floats, due to not internally down-casting numbers (:issue:`3573`).
Improved the documentation regarding how to use :class:`~hypothesis.database.GitHubArtifactDatabase` and fixed a bug that occurred in repositories with no existing artifacts.
Thanks to Agustín Covarrubias for this contribution.
``hypothesis.errors`` will now raise :py:exc:`AttributeError` when attempting to access an undefined attribute, rather than returning :py:obj:`None`.