This patch clarifies some error messages when the test function signature is incompatible with the arguments to :func:`given <hypothesis.given>`, especially when the :obj:`settings() <hypothesis.settings>` decorator is also used (:issue:`1978`).
Not secure
This release adds the :pypi:`pyupgrade` fixer to our code style, for consistent use of dict and set literals and comprehensions.
Not secure
This release slightly simplifies a small part of the core engine. There is no user-visible change.
Not secure
Fixes a minor formatting issue the docstring of :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type`
Not secure
Adds a recipe to the docstring of :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type` that describes a means for drawing values for "everything except" a specified type. This recipe is especially useful for writing tests that perform input-type validation.
Not secure
This patch uses :pypi:`autoflake` to remove some pointless ``pass`` statements, which improves our workflow but has no user-visible impact.