The ``alphabet=`` argument to :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_regex` now accepts unions of :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.characters` and :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.sampled_from` strategies, in addition to accepting each individually.
This patch also fixes a bug where ``text(...).filter(re.compile(...).match)`` could generate non-matching instances if the regex pattern contained ``|`` (:issue:`4008`).
This patch improves our pretty-printer (:issue:`4037`).
It also fixes the codemod for ``HealthCheck.all()`` from :ref:`version 6.72 <v6.72.0>`, which was instead trying to fix ``Healthcheck.all()`` - note the lower-case ``c``! Since our tests had the same typo, it all looked good... until :issue:`4030`.
This release improves support for unions of :pypi:`numpy` dtypes such as ``np.float64 | np.complex128`` in :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type` and :func:`~hypothesis.extra.numpy.arrays` (:issue:`4041`).
This patch improves the reporting of certain flaky errors.
This patch iterates on our experimental support for alternative backends (:ref:`alternative-backends`). See :pull:`4029` for details.
This release improves support for Django 5.0, and drops support for end-of-life Django versions (< 4.2).