
Latest version: v6.122.3

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This release uses :pep:`612` :obj:`python:typing.ParamSpec` (or the
:pypi:`typing-extensions` backport) to express the first-argument-removing
behaviour of :func:`st.composite <hypothesis.strategies.composite>`
and signature-preservation of :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.functions`
to IDEs, editor plugins, and static type checkers such as :pypi:`mypy`.



:func:`hypothesis.event` now works for hashable objects which do not
support weakrefs, such as integers and tuples.



This patch tidies up some internal introspection logic, which will improve
support for positional-only arguments in a future release (:issue:`2706`).



This release automatically rewrites some simple filters, such as
``floats().filter(lambda x: x >= 10)`` to the more efficient
``floats(min_value=10)``, based on the AST of the predicate.

We continue to recommend using the efficient form directly wherever
possible, but this should be useful for e.g. :pypi:`pandera` "``Checks``"
where you already have a simple predicate and translating manually
is really annoying. See :issue:`2701` for details.



This release raises :class:`~unittest.SkipTest` for tests which never executed any
examples, for example because the :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.phases` setting
excluded the :obj:`~hypothesis.Phase.explicit`, :obj:`~hypothesis.Phase.reuse`,
and :obj:`~hypothesis.Phase.generate` phases. This helps to avoid cases where
broken tests appear to pass, because they didn't actually execute (:issue:`3328`).



This patch fixes type annotations that had caused the signature of
:func:`given <hypothesis.given>` to be partially-unknown to type-checkers for Python
versions before 3.10.

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