
Latest version: v0.84.0b2

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- :lock: SECURITY: Can no longer do certain things in a cross-origin iframe, as extra protection.
- :lock: SECURITY/BREAKING: Now you need a POST request for Chandler's sendevent API
- :lock: :sparkles:SECURITY: User pages show at a glance whether they accept GET
- :bug: Fix inability to assign new user-created permissions to users or pages.
- :sparkles: This file uses GitMoji now! Gitmoji chosen because it is the first Google result.


- SECURITY/SEMI-BREAKING: No CORS requests from any other domain allowed as a user, regardless of permissions needed, unless enabled in user settings.
- SECURITY: Fix bug where an attack from my.org could be accepted as matching your domain at my.org.fooo.com
- Fix old code that was looking for YOLOv3.txt


- kaithem.web.serveFile streaming response
- SECURITY: Beholder no longer allows unauthorized access to camera snapshots
- Correctly finalize M3U8 files with the end playlist tag


- Clean up a process leak with the IceFlow servers


- Correctly compute width and height of deteted objects


- kaithem.web.serveFile now can serve a bytesIO object if mime and filename are provided.
- Object Detection in NVRChannel!!! You just need opencv and tflite_runtime!! Future cleanup may not need opencv
- Fix bug where deleting a tag point logger would not save.
- We use git-lfs now. If you are missing files it's probably because that isn't set up.

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