
Latest version: v0.86.0

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- More nuisance errors removed
- Assume that YeeLight bulbs have a good connection until proven otherwise, to avoid alarms. In the future the whole YeeLight module should be refactored.


- Workaround for JACK bug on raspberry pi. We always set playback to 2 channels. This is a minor regression, it will not support the full channel count for surround, and may crash if there is only 1 output channel. However, the risk of adding more bugs with a more copmplex solution to the audio nightmare, is probably not worth it.
- Fix nuisance selftest error
- Fix nuisiance wifi signal alert
- Remove the WebRTC voice DSP which has not been stable and can segfault.
- Restore support for Python3.7


- Even MORE work to be compatible with the odd IPs chrome uses when you use HTTP localhost.


- Alarms on =expression tags work properly
- Widget IDs no longer (rarely) generate invalid characters
- Remove some more unused code
- Eliminate confusing content on file resource pages
- Fix some nuisance error messages


- /sky/civilTwilight tag fixed


- Fix HTTP localhost access when used with IPv6 ::1
- Fix auto-redirect that would sometimes take you to the wrong page after login
- Fix auth cookies not working on localhost(Note: We assume all localhost connections are secure. Don't build a some weird proxy that breaks that assumption.)
- Secure widgets now work correctly via localhost
- Configuring tag point intervals now takes effect immediately
- You can now use an =expression as a tag point fixed config overrride.
- General refactoring and reliability for Tagpoints

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