- :bug: Fix utility scene checkbox in chandler not showing correct value
- :bug: Fix Chandler relative length with web slides
- :bug: Fix iot_devices not setting the default
- :bug: Fix shortcut code normalization(10.0 is treated same as 10)
- :bug: Upload new chandler scene adds to rather than replaces the existing scenes
- :bug: Fix broken highlighting in some themes
- :bug: Fix support for midi devices with odd chars in the names
- :sparkles: Can hide a scene in runtime mode
- :sparkles: Chandler can now import and export audio cues in a scene as M3U playlists(With fuzzy search for broken paths!)
- :sparkles: Confirm before delete cues
- :sparkles: Add ability to move Chandler rules around
- :sparkles: Scene display tags can now be inputs
- :sparkles: Don't log thread start/stop if they have generic Thread-xx names
- :sparkles: Chandler updated to work with Vue3
- :sparkles: Chandler has autosave(10min)
- :sparkles: Chandler save setup and save scenes buttons now just one save button.
- :sparkles: Chandler has a proper loading animation
- :coffin: Raw cue data text view has been removed