
Latest version: v0.86.0

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- Tag point logs sorted correctly


- /sky/night tag is 1 when it is currently nighttime at the configured server location.
- /sky/civilTwilight is 1 when it is currently dark at the configured server location
- /system/network/publicIP gets your IP from a public API, or is blank with no connection. As with all getter-based tags, the request only happens on-demand or if there are tag subscribers.
- More graceful handling if JACK fails to start


- Better Mako error formatting
- Tag logging bugfixes
- Fix bugs in configuring exposed tags
- \_\_never\_\_ permission even blocks admins
- Wifi status viewer page is back
- /system/wifiStrength tag point gives the strongest access point connection, 0-100 or -1 for never connected.
cart - Help boxes(paragraph or div class 'help') now show up minimized until you mouse over.
- Clean up Chandler and the widget API to get rid of nuisiance errors
- Basic error telemetry in WidgetAPI enabled pages


- Many small improvements to the sounds engine, including true seamless looping
- FreeBoard has been greatly enhanced
- If gmediarender is installed, the DLNARenderAgent plugin accepts media streams from a phone and plays them through the JACK mixer
- YeeLight plugin now uses a StringTag to represent color as hex, because strings are an extremely common solution.


- Many small improvements to the sounds engine, including true seamless looping
- FreeBoaard has been greatly enhanced


- FreeBoard supports theme creation, uses simpler direct bvalues for widgets, not value,time pairs
- Realtime DRAM bit error detection(I expect one or two hits per year in the 1MB average window we use)

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