
Latest version: v0.86.0

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- Fix widgets on unencrypted connections


- Move some core functionality to the unit testable scullery library
- Add missing msgpack js file


- Enttec open DMX support(Any cheap FTDI DMX adapter)
- Properly show changed alpha vals on server
- Reduce lagginess with fast changing chandler cues
- Better error reporting for functions that run in the background
- A few builtin Chandler fixtures
- Versionable saving for chandler fixtures, universes, and assignments
- Uploadable chandler setup and fixture library files


- Gstreamer audio backend resource leak and segfault fix
- Restore lost chandler MQTT features
- Chandler lighting value rendering buxfixes


- Chandler soundfile listing bugfix
- Chandler sound prefetch
- Various merge-related fixes


- Prevent tagpoint widget send from blocking up the process
- New StringTag objects, like tagpoints but for strings
- Chandler Scene alpha and current cue are now exposed as read/writable tagpoints
- Properly handle resource-timestamps
- BREAKING: Message topics now work more like MQTT topics. They have to end with if you want all subtopics(+ is not supported)
- Gstreamer based audio playback is now the default
- =expression based polled ChandlerScript events(Dynamically eveluated when needed)
- Chandler tagValue(tagName) function
- Chandler setTag(name,value, priority) command to set tags and stringtags
- Semi-breaking: File resources are stored in __filedata__ and managed immediately, not on system state save. They are no longer atomic.
- Messagebus timestamp and annotation
- MQTT support via eclipse paho
- Jack mixer fader tagpoints
- Fix gpio output ignoring pre-existing tagpoints

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