This release has some big changes to the install process, but not many to the
functionality. Expect a few bugs in the next few versions as we rewrite old code to be more in line with best practices.
- :bug: Fix bogus "sound did not report as playing" message
- :sparkles: "Make file publically acessible" option in the upload for file resources.
- :bug: Fix disabling resource serving
- :sparkles: Dmesg viewer
- :sparkles: Simple_light is now the default theme, as Chrome can on some devices be unhappy with complex themes
- :bug: Improve slow/hanging shutdown
- :bug: Fix Mixer processes hanging around when they should not be
- :sparkles: Let's try to stick to Semantic Versioning for future releases
- :sparkles: Mixer can now accept m3u and m3u8 URLs as sources(Looped, high latency)
- :sparkles: Chandler cues have a "Trigger Shortcut" option and will trigger cues in other scenes having that shortcut code.
- :coffin: None of that included thirdparty stuff! Now we use Pip dependencies
- :bug: Disenhorriblize the install instructions
- :recycle: Refactor the Chandler Python
- :coffin: Remove non-MPV audio backends
- :coffin: Remove codemirror config options
- :coffin: Remove reap library
- :coffin: Remove old jackd2 stuff
- :coffin: Remove embedded python3 docs
- :sparkles: Simple_light is now the default theme, as Chrome can on some devices be unhappy with complex themes
- :sparkles: The buttonbar CSS class has been changed to tool-bar
- :coffin: Remove embedded python3 docs
- :sparkles: jackmixer now uses pipewire directly
- :coffin: The page header including in user pages is deprecated. Use <%inherit file="/pagetemplate.html" /> in your code.
- :coffin: BREAKING: the styling on .sectionbox, section, and article is gone. Use .window and .card.
- :sparkles: Work on getting rid of inline styles. We are moving to a custom [CSS Framework]( See in the docs folder.
- :coffin: MAJOR BREAKING user facing APIs are now snake_case. If you see anything not snake_case, it's deprecated.
- :sparkles: Jinja2 support in user-created pages. Mako user pages are deprecated and will eventually be removed.
- :coffin: Remove ancient example modules that had accumulated useless stuff.