
Latest version: v0.86.0

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- SculleryMQTTConnection devices let you configure MQTT through the webUI
- Chandler sound search working
- Fix enttec universes (Enttec open was already fine)
- Fix Gamma blend mode
- Fix chandler cue renumbering, nextCue is now correctly recalculated
- Chandler now refuses to allow you to change the sound for a cue created from a sound, to avoid confusion. Override by setting to silence, then the new sound.


- Fix Chandler tagpoint universe named channel support
- Setting a tagpoint claim now steals the active status from the current active claim, if the priorities are the same.
- Fix editing unreachable Kasa bulbs


- Allow creating cues from sound files with odd chars in the names
- Protect against loops in Chandler playing a bazillion sounds and crashing JACK
- Webm sound cues play properly


- Mixing board pitch correction/robot voice effect
- Fixes for RTP network audio streaming
- Use soft AND synchronous JACK options
- Segfault resilliance if user enters bad jack settings


- BREAKING CHANGE raw ALSA persistant device aliases are now the same as JACK names
- BREAKING CHANGE ALSA "analog" is special case shortened to "anlg" instead of the obvious.
- Allow selecting a specific primary JACK device
- Allow only using the primary JACK device.
- JackFluidSynth included plugin lets you create a synth through the UI without code, and connect to a MIDI keyboard
- Jack mixer RTP Opus send/recieve support
- Jack mixer now suppots recording
- Many more mixer FX, ring mod, amp sim, metronome, noise generator
- Button to play test ding sound through any mixer channel


- Pi keypad matrix working on real hardware
- Tag point preconfiguation bugfix
- Better logging for devices

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