
Latest version: v0.88.0

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- :coffin: control and \_\_variables\_\_ chandler universes
- :coffin: Tab to space option: Spaces are always used
- :coffin: Screen rotate setting that didn't work on Wayland
- :coffin: The alert sounds system has been removed. It is suggested to use an automation rule on /sys/alerts.level.
- :coffin: The setting for universe channel count. Ther're just always max size now.
- :coffin: Most of the integrated self tests removed. Hardware related tests are staying.
- :coffin: RTP features in the Mixing Board. They will return at some point asa separate feature outside the FX chain.


- :sparkles: Can now set a label image for a cue
- :sparkles: Presets named foofixture are only usable for that fixture or fixture type.
- :sparkles: Improved preset picker UI
- :sparkles: Can set images for presets
- :sparkles: Preset and cue images specified as 16/9
- :sparkles: File server resources are browsable
- :sparkles: File resource thumbnails
- :sparkles: File resource audio previews
- :sparkles: Excalidraw integration to draw labels and add documentation to modules
- :sparkles: Excalidraw labeling for presets, resources, fixtures, cues, and mixer channels
- :sparkles: Retire the original error.ogg file. alert.ogg and error.ogg are now aliases for new files.
- :sparkles: All the core web UI sounds are available in chandler
- :sparkles: New "Enable Default Alerts" option to disable all the alerts a device sets.
- :sparkles: Compact view for chandler cues


- :boom: Chandler "Scenes" have been renamed to "Groups" to disambiguate from "Cues" and follow stage lighting practice. This should not be a breaking change, anything user facing gets migrated automatically.

- :boom: Chandler GotoCue commands no longer stop execution of the current event.
- :boom: Chandler GotoCue, shortcut, and event happens in the next frame
- :boom: Tag points and the message bus use system time, not monotonic.
- :boom: Tag points under /jackmixer/ renamed to just mixer


- :bug: Fix setting media folders
- :bug: Fix beholder media playback and other things using subfolders of user pages
- :bug: Fix OPZ DMX Definition import
- :bug: Fix incorrect fixture type mouseover display
- :bug: Fix deleting file resources
- :bug: Fix get file resource path API
- :bug: Fix coarse/fine channels
- :bug: Use a cache busting value in urls so the browser knows to refresh
- :bug: Fix countdown timers with unusual bpm values
- :bug: Fix digital signage permission issue
- :bug: Fix digital signage unable to start midway through media
- :bug: Fix delete button in file manager
- :bug: Fix Vary blend mode
- :bug: Fix Flicker blend mode performance
- :bug: Fix editing blend mode params
- :bug: Tag point universes always update on cue even if not changed
- :bug: Fix bug where a fade in the middle of another fade could be a sudden jump
- :bug: Fix cue and group autocomplete in script editor
- :bug: Mixer sends work
- :bug: Fix recurring time selectors being a few seconds off



- :sparkles: More YoLink devices


- :bug: Updated icemedia version fixes thread leak
- :bug: Fix import resource from yaml
- :bug: Sunrise and sunset times should be fixed
- :bug: Require confirm checkbox was showing incorrect value
- :bug: Missing file for lair.css theme
- :bug: Fixture values were not applied on boot until the first cue transition
- :bug: Fix issue where all black frames could get inserted in DMX output
- :bug: Improve the UI for the fxture assignments setup
- :bug: Fix fading from a cue that has a fixture to a non-tracking one that doesn't
- :bug: Fix inability to access manage page for subdevices


- :boom: Use pyephem instead of astral due to this [issue](https://github.com/sffjunkie/astral/issues/7)


- :coffin: Rahu calculations removed due to switching libraries

Internally, the separate "affect" variabl used in lighting rendering has been refactored away.


- :coffin: Fileserver resource types allow you to serve a directory of files as if it were at /pages/module/resourcename. This replaces the old individual file permissions.

- :sparkles: Lots of testing!
- :sparkles: Now available on pypi!


- :coffin: Web console removed due to lack of ASGI but may return later
- :coffin: BREAKING. The internal fileref system. Instead, files in modules are just simple files under \_\_filedata\_\_


- :sparkles: Move to the quart framework instead of cherrypy. Everything is fully ASGI based.
- :boom: Logging out just logs out your client, not all clients on that user
- :sparkles: Most loggers moved to \_\_name\_\_ instead of system
- :boom: Tag point name normalization replaces x\[foo\] with x.foo for consistency.


- :bug: Fix page XSS options
- :bug: Fix mixer level meters in new channels not immediately responding till you refresh the page
- :bug: Fix very old bug where widget messages could be one message behind if sent rapidly, and the newest wouldn't be sent till something else triggered send. Chandler sliders should be much smoother.
- :bug: Fix ancient race condition where widgets would subscribe before page load, and then the onpageload data happened before there was anything to recieve it.
- :bug: Fix MIDI integration

┃ Language ┃ Files ┃ % ┃ Code ┃ % ┃ Comment ┃ % ┃
│ Python │ 127 │ 32.5 │ 21987 │ 62.7 │ 3809 │ 10.9 │
│ HTML │ 53 │ 13.6 │ 4992 │ 75.0 │ 89 │ 1.3 │
│ RHTML │ 58 │ 14.8 │ 4910 │ 74.4 │ 25 │ 0.4 │
│ Markdown │ 33 │ 8.4 │ 4084 │ 68.1 │ 19 │ 0.3 │
│ CSS │ 14 │ 3.6 │ 2578 │ 57.0 │ 222 │ 4.9 │
│ JavaScript │ 6 │ 1.5 │ 1399 │ 51.8 │ 141 │ 5.2 │
│ YAML │ 11 │ 2.8 │ 822 │ 74.8 │ 81 │ 7.4 │
│ Text only │ 1 │ 0.3 │ 109 │ 90.1 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ Bash │ 1 │ 0.3 │ 72 │ 59.0 │ 25 │ 20.5 │
│ JSON │ 1 │ 0.3 │ 4 │ 57.1 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ __unknown__ │ 18 │ 4.6 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ __empty__ │ 1 │ 0.3 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ __duplicate__ │ 11 │ 2.8 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ __binary__ │ 56 │ 14.3 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ Sum │ 391 │ 100.0 │ 40957 │ 65.2 │ 4411 │ 7.0 │


┃ Language ┃ Files ┃ % ┃ Code ┃ % ┃ Comment ┃ % ┃
│ Python │ 10 │ 38.5 │ 689 │ 49.6 │ 172 │ 12.4 │
│ TypeScript │ 15 │ 57.7 │ 662 │ 63.3 │ 118 │ 11.3 │
│ __empty__ │ 1 │ 3.8 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ Sum │ 26 │ 100.0 │ 1351 │ 55.5 │ 290 │ 11.9 │


Barring unforseen events, this will be the last release using
CherryPy and Tornado. Any APIs that reference them are deprecated.

Future versions will use Quart and will be fully ASGI-based.


- :bug: Bring back displaying errors on page editing UI
- :bug: Fix moving a page resource
- :bug: Static .vue files served with bad MIME type breaking tests
- :bug: Guard against module or resource starting with /
- :bug: Fix hashing new modules
- :bug: :security: User page permissions were being removed on re-save.
- :bug: :security: Because of this, please update to the new version of the Beholder module


- :boom: Schema for tag history changed for daasette compatibility.
- :lipstick: LoC count excludes tests.


- :coffin: Experimental sqlite browser that didn't get much interest.
- :coffin: yt-dlp integration removed.
- :coffin: Monitor scenes removed


- :sparkles: Usable RTP Opus listener to stream over network.
- :sparkles: kaithem.api.web.add_asgi_app
- :sparkles: e2e tests with [Playwright](https://playwright.dev/docs/intro)
- :sparkles: Colorful log output with structlog

Dev Info

New pytest tests: 1
New Playwright tests: 4

┃ Language ┃ Files ┃ % ┃ Code ┃ % ┃ Comment ┃ % ┃
│ Python │ 118 │ 29.8 │ 21947 │ 62.6 │ 3870 │ 11.0 │
│ HTML │ 54 │ 13.6 │ 5225 │ 74.4 │ 141 │ 2.0 │
│ RHTML │ 61 │ 15.4 │ 5036 │ 74.4 │ 27 │ 0.4 │
│ Markdown │ 33 │ 8.3 │ 4060 │ 69.0 │ 19 │ 0.3 │
│ CSS │ 14 │ 3.5 │ 2578 │ 57.0 │ 222 │ 4.9 │
│ JavaScript │ 6 │ 1.5 │ 1406 │ 51.8 │ 143 │ 5.3 │
│ YAML │ 11 │ 2.8 │ 822 │ 74.7 │ 83 │ 7.5 │
│ Bash │ 12 │ 3.0 │ 328 │ 29.2 │ 147 │ 13.1 │
│ Text only │ 1 │ 0.3 │ 109 │ 90.1 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ JSON │ 1 │ 0.3 │ 4 │ 57.1 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ __unknown__ │ 18 │ 4.5 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ __empty__ │ 1 │ 0.3 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ __duplicate__ │ 10 │ 2.5 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ __binary__ │ 56 │ 14.1 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ Sum │ 396 │ 100.0 │ 41515 │ 64.5 │ 4652 │ 7.2 │


This release brings compatibility with Python 3.12 and Ubuntu 24.04


- :sparkles: Jinja2 bytecode cache gives a very extreme speedup to certain page lodad
- :sparkles: Minor visual glitches
- :bug: Fix deleting motion detection regions
- :bug: Object tags didn't disply right
- :bug: Module search pages
- :bug: Certain custom resource types could not be created in folders.
- :bug: Page editor robustness against missing keys
- :bug: Dashboard correctly shows the default value even if it hasn't been set yet.
- :bug: Message log page


- :sparkles: -d now sets the kaithem data dir, -c removed. config.yaml now always in root of dir.
- :sparkles: Module hashes use a different algorithm, the BIP0039 wordlist, and base32 instead of hex for display.
- :sparkles: Use Argon2id for user passwords.
- :sparkles: Use [niquests](https://pypi.org/project/niquests/) instead of requests.

- :sparkles: NVRChannel uses cv2.dnn for Py3.12 compatibility.


- :sparkles: Chandler "shell" command lets you run stuff in the system shell. Use with care!
- :sparkles: `make dev-count-lines` command to roughly track codebase changes.
- :sparkles: Leaving the chandler editor page triggers autosave if there were changes.


- :coffin: Video filters removed from Beholder
- :coffin: The module[resource] APIs are removed. Use kaithem.api.modules instead.

Line Counts

(Note, pygount doesn't detect languages perfectly, the HTML is atually only Mako and Jinja2)

┃ Language ┃ Files ┃ % ┃ Code ┃ % ┃ Comment ┃ % ┃
│ Python │ 122 │ 29.4 │ 22517 │ 62.1 │ 3993 │ 11.0 │
│ RHTML │ 62 │ 14.9 │ 5078 │ 74.4 │ 27 │ 0.4 │
│ Markdown │ 33 │ 8.0 │ 4040 │ 69.4 │ 19 │ 0.3 │
│ CSS+Lasso │ 17 │ 4.1 │ 3115 │ 56.5 │ 268 │ 4.9 │
│ HTML+Django/Jinja │ 18 │ 4.3 │ 1997 │ 77.3 │ 24 │ 0.9 │
│ HTML+Genshi │ 13 │ 3.1 │ 1843 │ 69.1 │ 62 │ 2.3 │
│ HTML │ 23 │ 5.5 │ 1387 │ 77.9 │ 55 │ 3.1 │
│ JavaScript+Genshi Text │ 3 │ 0.7 │ 1078 │ 50.2 │ 134 │ 6.2 │
│ YAML │ 11 │ 2.7 │ 822 │ 74.7 │ 83 │ 7.5 │
│ Bash │ 12 │ 2.9 │ 328 │ 29.2 │ 147 │ 13.1 │
│ JavaScript │ 2 │ 0.5 │ 300 │ 56.3 │ 8 │ 1.5 │
│ Text only │ 1 │ 0.2 │ 109 │ 90.1 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ JavaScript+Ruby │ 1 │ 0.2 │ 8 │ 100.0 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ JSON │ 1 │ 0.2 │ 4 │ 57.1 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ __unknown__ │ 18 │ 4.3 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ __empty__ │ 1 │ 0.2 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ __duplicate__ │ 12 │ 2.9 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ __binary__ │ 65 │ 15.7 │ 0 │ 0.0 │ 0 │ 0.0 │
│ Sum │ 415 │ 100.0 │ 42626 │ 64.1 │ 4820 │ 7.3 │



- :lock: New enumerate_endpoints permission required for things that could otherwise reveal the existance or nonexistance of an object without actually giving access to it.


- :coffin: Most widgets other than DataSource and APIWidget are finally gone. That was decade old unmaintained code, one of the last remaining bits of antigue code.


- :sparkles: The [picodash](https://github.com/EternityForest/picodash) system replaces widgets with a much easier to use set of custom HTML elements. Documentation coming soon!
- :sparkles: Nicer error pages
- :hammer: Unit testing for the YAML upload/download, which used to be buggy.


- :bug: Certain commands in chandler like sending a ding to a web player.
- :bug: Up/Dowload modules.

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