
Latest version: v0.84.0b2

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- Remove excessively buggy RTP reciever mixer element.
- More UI stuff


- Fix support for HTTP logins on :ffff:192. addresses that are apparently a thing now.


This release is primarily all about theming.

- New .tool-bar and .multibar CSS classes majorly reduce visual clutter
- New default theme aims to be somewhere between material, mid 2000s forums, and early iOS
- No more ugly default inset/outset borders, we use gradients and box shadows
- Link underlines are gone


This release focuses on getting rid of functionality that is almost certainly used by nobody, was not well tested,
And was causing maintainence nightmares.

- Semi-breaking: Tag point alarms will not trigger if the tag point has never actually had a value set.
- Support for searching all modules for cross-framework devices, and importing on demand.
- Fix devices in modules bugs
- Freeboard edit controls now disabled if you don't have permissions, so you don't waste time making local changes you can't save.
- BREAKING: Remove the ability to subclass devices via UI.
- BREAKING: Remove onChange handlers directly set on tag points via UI
- BREAKING: Remove the web resources lookup mechanism
- BREAKING: Remove the Gstreamer and the Mplayer backends. Use MPV.
- BREAKING: Remove functionevents
- BREAKING: Remove the Chandler scene pages functionality
- BREAKING: Remove textual scripting in Chandler
- BREAKING: Remove the Smartbulb universes. They are replaced by feature-based auto detection of smart bulbs.
- There is an Easter Egg hidden somewhere(On it's own page which does not touch any automation features).


- Scheduler is now just based on the normal sched module
- Various performance improvments(Seems like 50% les CPU usage!)
- LAN Consenseus time removed
- Showing HTTPS MDNS services in the settings page removed
- Allow HTTP login from any LAN address, not just localhost
- Lots of code cleanup
- Fix orphan processes at exit
- Clean up the Examples module
- BREAKING: Change /bt/ tagpoints in the BluetoothBeacon to /device/ to match the usual convention
- Purely experimental NVRPlugin can stream live video to a page with HLS, but recording isn't there


- Fix nuisance bad unit: dB error
- Much better object pool manager for sound players, avoids occasional dropouts
- Fix reused GStreamer proxy IDs that affected RasPi
- Improve performance of JSONRpyc proxies

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