
Latest version: v0.86.0

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- BREAKING: NVRPlugin no longer uses a sensitivity value. We have a custom detector and we use a threshold value now
- NVRChannel now reports the raw "level" of motion
- NVRChannel uses a custom motion algorithm that requires Pillow, based on RMS and erosion.
- Retriggering recording in NVRChannel before recording is finished will just append to the active recording
- NVRChannel should no longer crash if you delete a segment dir while it is being written to


- Any module page can now be accessed via it's subfolder
- No more H1 header at the top of most pages, to save screen space
- Dropdown panel to keep an eye on notofications from any page
- Manual and motion-activated NVR recording
- Beholder frontend module for a simplified view of the NVR


- New Fugit SciFi inspired theme
- NVRPlugin has been rewritten to give low latency streaming over websockets. It still doesn't have recording, but likely will.
- New unreliable mode for tag points to support this kind of media.
- User telemetry hidden on admin page unless you explicitly press "show"
- Unlogged realtime only telemetry now includes user idle state if permission has been granted, to check on digital signage and kiosks.
- Easier selection of the builtin themes
- Icons switched to the IcoFont for more standardization
- Improve mobile support


- Admin can see battery status of all connected devices if said device supports it
- Admin can remotely refresh any client page
- Enabling telemetry alerts for an account will raise an alarm when an associated kiosk device browser hs low battery(Chrome/Chromium only, FF killed the API on others)


- Poll every hour to find any disks that may be above 90% full and raise an alarm automatically about this.
- Disk usage status on about page


- Compatibility with newer Linux Mint
- Midi last note tags fixed
- Compatibility with yet another RTMidi variant

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