
Latest version: v0.86.0

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- Fix bugs in the WiFi manager page(Required changing NetworkManager python bindings)


- Fix bugs in the GPIO mocking functions


- Misc fixes
- Fix environment variable bug when launching JACK
- Fix possible schedule pileup bug with repeatingevents
- New theme
- Chandler accepts sound files from config


- Misc fixes
- Chandler logic editor, visual language for creating vue logic
- Chandler Page editor, every scene can have an associated page
- Chandler tracking and backtracking cues now function correctly
- Devices page a little more polished


- Option to open port with UPnP
- Built in UPnP scanner to detect security issues
- Full copy of the python3.8 documentation available locally in the help section
- Sound Mixer built in(if using JACK)
- Lightboard better suited for media
- Dynamic Fixture Mapping in Lightboard
- If the server is restarted but the system itself remains running, all module and registry changes persist in RAM
on linux.
- Many bugfixes
- Boot time is several times faster
- No limit to event traceback stack depth
- Remove posting to /system/threads/start, it created a refactoring nightmare and wasn't useful
- Remove system/errors/workers for the same reason, traditional logging makes it obsolete.
- Hopefully resolved the SSL segfault
- Auto-adopt stuff to the default kaithem user if started as root(Useful if things are modified by sudo)
- Minor breaking: Resources all have file extensions, old loaded modules may have odd names but will load
- Events are now stored as standard python files with data in variables, for easy viewing in external editors
- New kaithem.web.controllers: Easily create pages directly in python code using cherrypy directly without losing the flexibility of Kaithem.
- WiFi Manager, on Linux with NetworkManager you can set up connections to access points via
the web UI.
- `__del__` support in events, just define it in the setup.
- kaithem.midi.FluidSynth lets you play MIDI notes with soundfonts
- One-param and zero-param messagebus subscriptions that don't get the topic(Two param stil works)
- gpiozero integration
- Util page for viewing environment variables
- Lightboard scenes are now saved to VARDIR/chandler/scenes/SCENENAME.yaml
- Functions can now be used as StateMachine rules, they are polled and followed when true
- Use Ace code editor as fallback on mobile
- Lightboard has been renamed to Chandler
- Add a bit of runtime type checking


- Fix JS dependancy error in lighting module

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