
Latest version: v0.86.0

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- New tagpoints(Like SCADA tagpoints) with Pavillion sync to Arduino
- Kasa smartplug support
- Migrate docs to markdown
- Message bus can handle any python object type
- Workarouds for the "Too many open file descriptors" issues.
- Major MDNS and NTP improvements
- MDNS browsing page
- QR Code display in about page
- Proper cache support for favicon
- Notifications use websockets, not polling
- Lighting subsystem improvements
- Logging bugfixes


- Major performance bugfixes


- Detect unclean shutdown
- Lightboard improvements
- New alarms feature
- Experimental Kaithem for Devices
- Improvements to the Pavillion protocol(Possibly breaking)
- Better support for multiple soundcards


- Can now view event history
- Lighting module cue matrix view, and many other lighting
- Add breakpoint function
- UTF-8 encoding in page responses
- kaithem.time.lantime() for a time value automatically synced across
the LAN (py3.3 only, netifaces required)
- **BREAKING CHANGE** Widget.doCallback,on_request, and on_update now
expect a connection ID parameter.
- New Widget.attach2(f) function for 3 parameter callbacks,
username,value, and connection ID
- New widget.sendTo(val,target) function to send to a specific
connection ID
- apiwidget.now() function added on javascript side to get the current
server time.
- Correctly attribute "And ninety-nine are with dreams content..." to
a Ted Olson poem, not to Poe as the internet claims.
- FontAwesome and Fugue icon packs included
- Misc bugfixes


- Object inspector now handles weak references, weakvaluedicts, and
objects with \_\_slots\_\_
- Lighting module has changed to a new cue based system(Not compatible
with the old one)
- Fix python2 bug that prevented booting
- Tweak mako autoformat options and log formatting


- Safer handling of tokens to resist timing attacks
- Get rid of excessively tiny stack size that caused ocassional
- Fix bug that caused annoying widget.js error messages
- Switch to microsoft's monaco editor instead of CodeMirror
- (SOMEWHAT BREAKING CHANGE) Users are now limited by default to 64k
request HTTP bodies. You can allow users a larger limit on a
per-group basis. Users with \_\_all\_permissions\_\_ have no such
limit, and the limit is 4Gb in certain contexts for users with the
permissions to edit pages or settings.
- Increase maxrambytes in cherrypy. It should work slightly better on
embedded systems now.
- Add command line option --nosecurity 1 to disable all security(For
testing and localhost only use)
- Better template when creating new pages
- (SOMEWHAT BREAKING CHANGE)Use Recur instead of recurrent to handle
!times, greatly improving performance.
- Add lighting control features in the modules library.

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