* ``-b`` in ``qrunqaqc`` is now optional and it will process all runs distributed over the maximum number of jobs if not specified
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``CalibrationService`` -> ``detector`` has been deprecated, use ``get_detector()`` instead * ``CalibrationService`` now also adds ``load_calibration`` to update the calibration data during runtime * ``kp.db.CLBMap.upi`` and ``.dom_id`` are deprecated, use ``.upis`` and ``.dom_ids`` instead
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``qrunqaqc`` now needs ``-u`` to automatically upload data to the DB
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * A new command line utility called ``qrunqaqc`` was added which processes runs to determine the quality parameters using ``JQAQC.sh`` and submits the results to the runsummarynumbers table of the KM3NeT database. * New option to directly log to a file for example via ``kp.logger.get_logger("foo", filename="bar.log")`` * Added ``kp.tools.isize`` and ``kp.tools.xrdsize`` to look up the size of a file on iRODS or via xrootd respectively
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved error handling in streamds runsummary upload