~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * API doc fixes * add missing requirements to setup.py * minor py2/py3 compat fix
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * K40 calibration module from Jonas! * Pushover client! Push messages to your mobile phone or computer via ``pushover the message you want``. * Minor bugfixes
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Introduces `BinaryStruct` which makes handling binary data much more easier. * `Cuckoo` now allows args and kwargs to be passed to the callback function. * km3modules.plot module added including a unified DOM plotter * km3modules.fit module added including k40 coincidence fit
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * add ``rundetsn`` cmd tool
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Use numpy-style imports * AanetPump: Don't use `evt.id` for event_id by default, until we all agree on it
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The DB client now automatically uses the production cookie on Lyon. No need to deal with session requests anymore... * New command line utility to download runs from iRODS: `km3pipe retrieve ...` * Integrates the controlhost package