
Latest version: v10.0.1

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* The ``h5extract`` tool replaces ``tohdf5``
* ``km3pipe.db`` has been removed and all database functionalities
replaced by ``km3db``. ``StreamDS``, ``DBManager``, ``CLBMap`` and
other helper functions are now inside the ``km3db`` package:
More information here:
* New ``kp.physics`` module to consolidate physics related
functions and ``km.physics`` to gather physics related
pipeline modules
* Provenance tracking! See
* No ROOT or aanet dependency anymore. Every I/O is done by ``km3io`` with
native ROOT support written in Python
* Removed all deprecated functions (no mercy)
* A lot of clean-up has been done. If you miss anything, create an issue.
* ``numba`` is not optional anymore
* ``Calibration.apply()`` now adds ``dom_id`` and ``channel_id`` when
calibrating MC hits and ``pmt_id`` when calibrating regular hits


* ``h5extract`` now extracts everything by default, when no other options
are passed
* Fixed a bug in ``HDF5Sink`` when blobs where skipped and ``NDArrays`` written
The ``group_id`` is now reset automatically and is guaranteed to be continuous.
* The DAQ structures (``DAQEvent``, ``JDAQSumaryslice`` and ``JDAQTimeslice``)
now have a version field in Jpp v13 and were updated in ````
accordingly. There is no backwards compatibility for this change. If you
see "corrupt data" errors, either downgrade km3pipe to 9.0.0-alpha.13 or
less, or update Jpp to v13+ (recommended).


* Minor bugfixes


* ``kp.physics.cut4d`` added which allows the selection of e.g. hits
within a given sphere shell while respecting the light propagation
* ``km3pipe.db`` has been removed and all database functionalities
replaced by ``km3db``. ``StreamDS``, ``DBManager``, ``CLBMap`` and
other helper functions are now inside the ``km3db`` package:
More information here:


* Time slewing corrections are now automatically applied when
using ``kp.calib.Calibration().apply()``
* New functions added to check if points (e.g. hits) are
within a sphere: ``kp.math.spherecut`` and ``kp.math.spherecutmask``
* ``kp.math.angle_between`` now takes an ``axis=`` parameter to
calculate multiple angles in one shot


* Improved provenance for ROOT files (UUID handling)

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