* ``core.pyx`` and ``tools.pyx`` have been "depyxed"
* ``Calibration.apply**`` (should) always returns the hits
* ``Module.finish`` (and thus the pipeline!) actually return something now!
* ``Calibration`` shortcut removed from ``km3pipe``, so now you have to use
``from km3pipe.calib import Calibration`` or just ``kp.calib.Calibration``
if you ``importe km3pipe as kp``.
This change was needed to be able to import __km3pipe__ in Julia.
* ``kp.io.hdf5.HDF5Pump`` now accepts the path of a boolean cut mask,
e.g. ``cut_mask='/pid/survives_precut'``. If the bool mask is false, the
event is skipped.