* ``triggersetup`` command line utility added, which allows easy access to
the trigger setup of a given run setup
* ``k40calib`` now accepts ``-s`` to select a ``JDAQTimeslice`` stream.
an empty string will use the original stream and 'L1', 'L2' and 'SN' will
select the new streams introduced in Jpp v9
* ``kp.tools.AnyBar`` added to control the AnyBar macOS app, including a
pipeline integration: ``kp.Pipeline(anybar=True)``
* ``km3pipe runtable`` is now a standalone command line tool: ``runtable``
* ``km3pipe runinfo`` is now a standalone command line tool: ``runinfo``
* ``UTMInfo`` added in ``kp.hardware`` to make access to UTM information easier
in detector files ``Detector().utm_info``...
* ``ligiermirror`` command line utility added