- primarily a cleanup to read me
- went ahead and updated a function definition in code base to align
- the demonstrations of assigncat parameter are now streamlined
- basically this demonstration had started as a comprehensive set of transforms
- and as progressed in building out the library it gradually got kind of excessive
- now streamlined to a few core root categories, selected for potential common use
- first row are categoric encodings
- second row are corresponding categoric encodings with noise injection
- third row are numeric normalizations / corresponding normalization with noise
- fourth row are examples of binning options (as could be added to a normalization family tree)
- fifth row is misc, including integer encoding, search, string parsing, tlbn for explainability support, and passthrough trasnforms (excl is direct passthrough, exc2 is passthrough with force to numeric)
assigncat = {'1010':[], 'onht':[], 'ordl':[], 'bnry':[], 'hash':[], 'hsh2':[],
'DP10':[], 'DPoh':[], 'DPod':[], 'DPbn':[], 'DPhs':[], 'DPh2':[],
'nmbr':[], 'mnmx':[], 'retn':[], 'DPnb':[], 'DPmm':[], 'DPrt':[],
'bins':[], 'pwr2':[], 'bnep':[], 'bsor':[], 'por2':[], 'bneo':[],
'ntgr':[], 'srch':[], 'or19':[], 'tlbn':[], 'excl':[], 'exc2':[]}