- As a relic from early implementations, there were a few cases where NArw category columns were given special treatment. This update replaces a few of these edge cases to make more generalizable treatment of NArw columns as consistent with other categories.
- 1) updated methods for convention that label sets are returned without NArw columns. Previously we derived the NArw column for labels if NArw_marker was activated and then deleted. New way is to have dedicated root category family trees for labels under automation which don't have NArw in their trees. This way a user still has option to derive an NArw column for label sets if desired by redefining the label trees in the transformdict parameter.
- 2) in the population of data structures for postprocess_dict['origcolumn'], we had given special treatment to using NArw column as an entry to ['columnkey']. This no longer required, now NArw columns treated just like any other.
- 3) in feature importance dimensionality reduction, we previously had given special treatment to NArw columns, this convention is now scrubbed.
- also corrected process_dict entry for ord3, ordd
- also removed an uneccesary logic test in postmunge infill application associated with infilliterate
- also removed a few unneccesary logic tests in automunge and postmunge infill application
- Updated convention for various infill options to add support for categories with MLinfilltype 'exclude', so although 'exclude' not included in MLinfill, it is elligible for other infill types. The only MLinfilltype exlcuded from all infill is 'boolexclude', the one used for NArw.