- new datetime binned aggregations wkds, wkdo, mnts, mnto
- wkds and mnts are one-hot encoded days of week and months of year
- wkdo and mnto are comparable ordinal encoded sets
- new start/end parameters accepted for bshr (boolean marker for whether a time falls within business hours, which default to 9-5)
- new cap or floor parameters accepted for mnmx (min-max scaling)
- where default of False means no cap/floor, True means cap/floor set based on training data max/min, otherwise passed values put limit to the scaling range
- noting that if cap < max then max reset to cap, and if floor > min then min reset to floor
- please note that the wkds transform was inspired by a comment in a prerelease chapter for the "Deep Learning for Coders with fastai and PyTorch" book being written by Jeremy Howard and Sylvian Gugger
- removed amateurish relic from an early draft associated with global fillna() application