
Latest version: v8.33

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- removed collections.Counter import that is no longer used after 6.63 rewrite of _evalcategory
- performed an audit of leakage_sets rolled out in 6.61
- identified an opportunity for improved specification granularity
- specifically, leakage_sets as implemented were for specifying bidirectional ML infill basis exclusions
- i.e. for a list of features, every feature in list was excluded from basis of every other feature in list
- realized there may be scenarios where a unidirectional exclusion is prefered
- such as to exclude feature2 from feature1 basis but include feature1 in feature2 basis
- so now in addition to ML_cmnd['leakage_sets'] for bidirectional specification, user can also specify unidirectional exclusions in ML_cmnd['leakage_dict'] which accepts dictionaries in form of column header key with value of a set of column headers
leakage_dict = {feature1 : {feature2}}
- where headers can be specified in input or returned header conventions or combinations thereof (where returned headers include suffix appenders)
- note that as part of this update, ML infill exclusions derived as a result of leakage_tolerance specification are now captured in a unidirecitonal capacity as opposed to bidirectional
- which is more in line with our description provided as part of conference review
- note that in returned postprocess_dict['ML_cmnd'], the prior returned entries of leakage_sets_orig and leakage_sets_derived are now replaced with leakage_dict_orig and leakage_dict_derived


- corrected function name of validate_allvalidnumeric to include leading underscore for consistent convention for internal functions applied for rest of library
- reconfigured "leakage_dict" data structure population associated with leakage sets to be based on set aggregation
- instead of prior configuration of searching within lists and etc
- which will benefit automunge(.) latency associated with this operation
- significant rewrite for speed and clarity of _evalcategory
- revised the derivations of most common data types to a much more efficient method
- resulting in a material improvement to automunge(.) latency
- the rewrite also resulted in a much cleaner code presentation, we believe will make this function easier to understand now
- (this function was one of the first ones that we wrote :)


- new suite of parameter validations associated with the ML_cmnd parameter
- which is data structure to set options and pass parameters to predictive models associated with ML infill, feature importance, or PCA
- as well as various other ML infill options like early stopping thorugh iterations, stochastic noise injections, hyperparpameter tuning, leakage assessment, etc
- also moved all of the default ML_cmnd initializations and validations into a single location for code clarity, now all performed in _check_ML_cmnd
- should make future developments on this data structure much easier to maintain
- parallel improved some corresponding internal documentation


- a few cleanups to support functions _createMLinfillsets and _createpostMLinfillsets
- including replacement of a few kind of hacky concatinate and drops with a much cleaner pandas.iloc
- (this funcion was first implemented very early in development)
- new ML_cmnd option as can be passed to ML_cmnd['leakage_sets']
- leakage_sets can be passed as either a list of input columns or a list of lists of input columns
- user can also pass returned column headers if a subset of features derived from common input feature are the be included in a leakage set
- where each list of input columns is for specification of features that are to be excluded from each other's ML infill basis
- in other words, features with known data cross leakage issues can now be specified by user for accomodation in each other's ML infill basis
- new ML_cmnd option as can be passed to ML_cmnd['leakage_tolerance']
- leakage tolerance is associated with a new automated evaluation for a potential source of data leakage accross features in their respective imputation model basis
- compares aggregated NArw activations from a target feature in a train set to the surrounding features in a train set and for cases where separate features share a high correlation of missing data based on the shown formula we exclude those surrounding features from the imputation model basis for the target feature.
- ((Narw1 + Narw2) == 2).sum() / NArw1.sum() > leakage_tolerance
- where target features are those input columns with some returned coumn serving as target for ML infill
- leakage_tolerance defaults to 0.85 when not specified, and can be set as 1 or False to deactivate the assessment
- to perform the operation, set ML_cmnd['leakage_tolerance'] to a float between 0-1
- where the lower the value, the more likely for sets to be excluded between each other's basis
- leakage_tolerance is implemented by adding results of evaluation to any user specified leakage_sets
- where sets are collected in three forms in returned postprocess_dict['ML_cmnd'], as 'leakage_sets_orig' (user passed sets prior to derivations) 'leakage_sets_derived' (derived sets) and 'leakage_sets' (combination of orig and derived)
- please note that there is a small latency penalty associated with this operation in automunge(.) and no meaningful penalty in postmunge(.)
- new postprocess_dict entry ['ML_cmnd_orig'] which is a dictionary recording (for informational purposes) the original form of ML_cmnd as passed to automunge(.) prior to any initializations and updates such as based on leakage_tolerance or _check_ML_cmnd


- reverting the updates associated with 6.57
- upon some reflection we do not feel we have sufficient comfort in our hyperparameter tuning implementation to justify gradient boosting from an autoML standpoint
- and don't want to distract our users with an option that has tendency to overfit when not tuned


- introduced default convention of applying a stochasticly derived random seed to model training for each ML infill model, including each model accross features and each model accross iterations
- to deactivate for deterministic training based on automunge randomseed parameter can pass ML_cmnd['stochastic_training_seed'] = False
- please note that currently a randomseed is only inspected in randomforest, catboost, and xgboost autoML options
- new option for incorporating stochasticity into imputations derived through ML infill
- can activate for numeric and/or categoric features by passing ML_cmnd['stochastic_impute_categoric'] = True and/or ML_cmnd['stochastic_impute_numeric'] = True
- stochastic imputations bear some similarity to DP family of noise injection transforms
- in that sampled noise with numpy.random is injected into the imputations prior to insertion
- for numeric stochastic imputation we applied a similar method to our DPmm transform
- here we convert the imputation set into a min/max scaled reprentation to ensure noise distribution parameters aligned with range of data, with the scaling based on min/max found in the training data
- we sampled noise from a gaussian distribution or optionally from a laplace distribution
- with noise scaling defaulting to mu=0, sigma=0.03, and flip_prob=0.06 (where flip_prob is ratio of a feature set's imputations receiving injections)
- note that in order to insure range of resulting imputations is consistent with range in df_train we cap outlier noise entries at +/- 0.5 and scale negative noise when min/max representation is below midpoint and scale positive noise when minmax representation is above the midpoint, resulting in a consistent returned range independant of noise sampling
- after noise injection the imputation set is converted back by an inversion of the min/max representation
- noise injection to categoric features are based on parameter defaulting as flip_prob=0.03 (where flip_prob is ratio of a feature set's imputations receiving injections)
- injections are conducted randomly flipping the entries in a target row to a random draw from the set of unique activation sets (as may include 1 or more columns) based on draw from a uniform distribution
- please note that this includes the possibility that an injection entry will retain the original represtntation based on the random draw
- please note that the associated parameters can be configured by ML_cmnd entries to 'stochastic_impute_categoric_flip_prob', 'stochastic_impute_numeric_mu', 'stochastic_impute_numeric_sigma', 'stochastic_impute_numeric_flip_prob', 'stochastic_impute_numeric_noisedistribution'
- (where these entries all accept floats except 'stochastic_impute_numeric_noisedistribution' accepting one of {'normal', 'laplace'}
- please note that we suspect stochastic imputations may have potential to interfere with infilliterate early stopping criteria as rolled out in 6.58 based on the scale of injections

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