- revisited family of transforms for sequential data (eg time series or cumulative data streams)
- created new normalization method "retain" as 'retn', somewhat similar to a min/max scaling but retains the +/- values of original set, such that if max>0 and min<0, x = x/(max-min), else just defaults to traditional min/max scaling x=(x-min)/(max-min)
- incorproated 'retn' normalizaiton into all outputs of previously configured sequential trasnforms 'dxdt', 'd2dt', 'd3dt', 'dxd2', 'd2d2', 'd3d2', 'nmdx', 'nmd2', 'nmd3'
- (as a reminder dxdt/d2dt/d3dt are approximations of velocity/acceleration/jerk based on deltas for a user designated time step, dxd2/d2d2/d3d2 are comparable but for smoothed values based on an averaged range of user designated time step, nmdx/nmd2/nmd3 are comparable to dxdt but performed downstream of a string parsing for numeric entries)
- repurposed the transforms mmdx/mmd2/mmd3 to comparable to dxdt set but with use of z-score normalziation instead of retn (comparable to video demonstration)
- also created new varient of dxdt trasnforms as dddt/ddd2/ddd3 and dedt/ded2/ded3 where the dddt set are comparable to dxdt but with no normalizations performed, and the dedt set are comparable to dxd2 set with no normalziations performed
- also new parameters allowed for mnm3 transform (which is a min-max scaling with cap and floor based on quantiles), user can now pass qmin and qmax through assignparam to designate the quantile values for a given column
- also a few new driftreport metrics for the lngt transform rolled out in 3.26