- new transform category 'ptfm', similar to 'eval'
- the intent is that the (modular) data property evaluation function for automation may have a few distinct default bases activated by the powertransform parameter:
- a regular default evaluation when powertransform = False, and a seperate (potentially more elaborate) default evaluation basis when powertransform = True
- or the evaluation may be turned off such as by passing powertransform = 'excl' (which means unassigned columns are left unaltered)
- the purpose of the 'eval' and 'ptfm' options are for cases where the automated evaluation is set to one of these bases (regular, powertransform, off), a user can still assign to distinct columns one of the other bases for evaluation
- added support for 'eval' and 'ptfm' options to label columns
- a little bit of code cleanup in automunge(.) function