- new gradient boosting option for ML infill via XGBoost
- available by ML_cmnd = {'autoML_type':'xgboost'}
- defaults to verbosity 0
- can pass model initiliazation and fit parameters by e.g.
ML_cmnd = {'autoML_type' :'xgboost',
'MLinfill_cmnd':{'xgboost_classifier_model': {'verbosity' : 0},
'xgboost_classifier_fit' : {'learning_rate': 0.1},
'xgboost_regressor_model' : {'verbosity' : 0},
'xgboost_regressor_fit' : {'learning_rate': 0.1}}}
- hyperparameter tuning available by grid search or random search, tuned for each feature
- can activate grid search tuning by passing any of the fit parameters as a list or range of values
- received static parameters (e.g. as a string, integer, or float) are untuned, e.g.
ML_cmnd = {'autoML_type' :'xgboost',
'MLinfill_cmnd':{'xgboost_classifier_fit' : {'learning_rate': [0.1, 0.2],
'max_depth' : 12},
'xgboost_regressor_fit' : {'learning_rate': [0.1, 0.2],
'max_depth' : 12}}}
- random search also accepts scipy stats distributions to fit parameters
- to activate random search set the hyperparam_tuner to 'randomCV'
- and set the desired number of iterations to randomCV_n_iter (defaults to 100)
from scipy import stats
ML_cmnd = {'autoML_type' :'xgboost',
'randomCV_n_iter' : 5,
'MLinfill_cmnd':{'xgboost_classifier_fit' : {'learning_rate': [0.1, 0.2],
'max_depth' : stats.randint(12,15)},
'xgboost_regressor_fit' : {'learning_rate': [0.1, 0.2],
'max_depth' : stats.randint(12,15)}}}
- also revisited random forest tuning and consolidated a redundant training operation