- added returned_PCA_columns to postprocess_dict
- added a memory clear operation to PCA transform to reduce overhead
- added returned_Binary_columns to postprocess_dict
- improved printouts for PCA and Binary dimensionality reductions
- removed ordinal columns from Binary dimensionality reduction, just made more sense
- improved read me writeup for ord4, intended as a scaled metric ranking redundant entries by frequency of occurance
- new report classifying returned columns by data type now available in postprocess_dict as postprocess_dict['columntype_report']
- includes aggregated lists of columns per types: continuous, boolean, ordinal, onehot, onehot_sets, binary, binary_sets, passthrough
- where onehot captures all one-hot encoded columns, and onehot_sets is redundant except that it subaggregates by those from same transform as a list of lists
- similarily with binary and binary_sets
- these aggregations should be helpful for training downstream models in libraries that accept specification of column types, such as eg for entity embeddings