- improved transformation category specification in user passed processdict data structure
- incorporated 'functionpointer' option
- so user can specify the set of transfomation functions associated with a transformation category without having to dig into code-base to identify naming conventions for existing transformation functions
- now processdict entry can instead just identify a transformation category in functionpointer whose transformation functions the new category would like to match
- such as to automaticaly populate with entries for dualprocess, singleprocess, postprocess, inverseprocess, and info_retention
- defaultparam entries are also accessed, and if the new category specification contains any redundant defaultparam entries with the pointer category the new category entries will take precedence
- as an example, if we previously wanted to define a processdict entry for a new transformation category that reused transformation functions of the mnmx category, it would have looked something like this:
{'newt' : {'dualprocess' : am.process_mnmx_class, \
'singleprocess' : None, \
'postprocess' : am.postprocess_mnmx_class, \
'inverseprocess' : am.inverseprocess_mnmx, \
'info_retention' : True, \
'NArowtype' : 'positivenumeric', \
'MLinfilltype' : 'numeric', \
'labelctgy' : 'mnmx'}}
- in the new convention with functionpointer entry, we can now more easily consistently specify as:
{'newt' : {'functionpointer':'mnmx', \
'NArowtype' : 'positivenumeric', \
'MLinfilltype' : 'numeric', \
'labelctgy' : 'mnmx'}}
- also perormed a few misc code comment cleanups