- added a few more statistic evlauations to source column Data Distribution Drift assessment
- source column assessment for numeric sets now includes Shapiro and Skew stats such as to test for normality and tail characteristics
- source columns for root categories where e.g. 0 value subject to infill now includes an assessment of 0 value ratio in the set (similarly for nonpositive, etc)
- here is an example of source column drift assessment statistics for a positive numeric root category:
postreports_dict['sourcecolumn_drift']['new_driftstats'] = \
{(column) : {'max' : (stat),
'quantile_99' : (stat),
'quantile_90' : (stat),
'quantile_66' : (stat),
'median' : (stat),
'quantile_33' : (stat),
'quantile_10' : (stat),
'quantile_01' : (stat),
'min' : (stat),
'mean' : (stat),
'std' : (stat),
'MAD' : (stat),
'skew' : (stat),
'shapiro_W' : (stat),
'shapiro_p' : (stat),
'nonpositive_ratio' : (stat),
'nan_ratio' : (stat)}}