- new validation to confirm feature selection model successfully trained, returned as check_FSmodel_result
- new validation to confirm passed numpy array is tabular (eg 1 or 2D), returned as check_np_shape_train_result, check_np_shape_test_result
- new one-hot encoding varient onh2, similar to onht but includes a NArw column by default even when NArw_marker parameter not activated
- (as one-hot by default otherwise returns rows without activation for infill)
- the thought, and just a hunch, but I expect there may be some libraries where labels may require all rows to have an activation, so yeah this is now available as an option for label encoding for this scenario
- some tweaks to onht/text/pwrs/pwr2 to remove use of a second (temporary) column suffix - one less opportunity for overlap error
- a little cleanup to postprocess_text and postprocess_onht
- add some clarification of model basis to READ ME for ML infill