- ok so 6.31's survey of printouts helped me recognize that 6.28's audit of validation results was incomplete
- (this was because have a few different convention for returned printouts with flag so didn't survey all at the time)
- so performed an additional audit of validation results printouts
- and found a few more cases of validation tests missing entries in the returned reports
- so postprocess_dict['miscparameters_results'] now contains additional entries for {ML_cmnd_hyperparam_tuner_valresult, returned_label_set_for_featureselect_valresult, labelctgy_not_found_in_familytree_valresult, featureselect_trained_model_valresult, assignnan_actions_valresult, labels_column_for_featureselect_valresult, featureselect_automungecall_validationresults}
- and postreports_dict['pm_miscparameters_results'] now contains additional entries for {labelscolumn_for_postfeatureslect_valresult, returned_label_set_for_postfeatureselect_valresult, labelctgy_not_found_in_familytree_pm_valresult, postfeatureselect_trained_model_valresult, postfeatureselect_with_inversion_valresult, labels_column_for_postfeatureselect_valresult, postfeatureselect_automungecall_validationresults}
- updated check_haltingproblem validation so that it only runs when there is a user defined transformdict to speed things up under default
- also new convention: labelctgy is now only an optional entry to user passed processdict
- if one is not assigned or accessed from functionpointer then an arbitrary entry is populated from family tree
- removed a validation check and if statement indentation in support function _featureselect
- associated with checking for cases where labels_column passed as False (this was redundant with a check performed prior to calling function)
- finally found and fixed bug for postmunge inversion in conjunction with Binary dimensionality reduction