- inspired by the reduction in parameters of 5.93
- took a look at other parameters and found another opportunity to consolidate
- for simplicity
- so automunge(.) parameters featureselection / featurepct / featuremetric / featuremethod
- are now replaced and consolidated to featureselection / featurethreshold
- with equivalent functionality
- featureselection defaults to False, accepts {False, True, 'pct', 'metric', 'report'}
- where False turns off feature importance eval,
- True turns on
- 'pct' applies a feature importance dimensionality reduction to retain a % of features
- 'metric' applies a feature importance dimensionality reduction to retain features above a threshold metric
- and 'report' returns a feature importance report with no further processing of data
- featurethreshold only inspected for use with pct and metric
- accepts a float between 0-1
- eg retain 0.95 of columns with pct or eg retain features with metric > 0.03
- so to be clear, automunge(.) parameters featurepct / featuremetric / featuremethod are now deprecated
- replaced consolidated to parameters featureselection / featurethreshold