
Latest version: v0.10.10

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- improved path planning by also simplify triplet segments and pushing delauny points away from obstacles
- improved performance by moving more work away from main thread
- usb capture does not convert jpeg streams back and forth by default (huge speed improvement)
- fixed ffmpeg niceness for timelapse recordings
- better error messges
- cleanup and polish
- bugfixes and dependency updates


- timelapse video improvements
- switching to uvloop
- consolidated dependencies
- made `` non-blocking again
- bugfixes


- introducing timelapse actor to store fast-fowrward videos
- improvements to ``


- app controls (via BLE)
- simplified ``
- less cpu intensive startup phase
- usb camera improvements (speed, asyncio, configuration)
- latest niceGUI
- bugfixes


- adding events about automation start/stop/resume
- detector improvements
- improved usb camera capturing (still work in progress)
- introduced area type and color for 3d scenes
- greatly improved speed of path planning
- improved steering controls
- ability to configure auto-upload for detector
- automator can now also be enabled/disabled
- improved `detector.get_svg()`
- other small bugfixes and improvements


- more flexible creation of simulated usb cameras
- introduce new event `AUTOMATION_COMPLETED`
- bugfixes and cleanup

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