
Latest version: v0.10.10

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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fixed dependencies


- more flexible `runtime.forward()` calls in tests
- colored test logs
- speed up tests
- bug fixes


- introducing Actor Asyncio Monitor and `rosys.ui.asyncio_page` to analyse warnings from asyncio if coroutines block the main loop for too long
- introducing custom Garbage Collection to not disturb critical robot activities with gc.collect()
- using `rosys.sleep` in automations to improve event loop utilization
- bugfixes


- support for line profiling
- more efficient event.emit/call
- allowing test-friendly outside of actors with `rosys.sleep`
- check weather running in a test with `rosys.is_test`
- removed obsolete `world.mode`


faster projection computations


- re-write automator with suspendable Automations -- fixes await for any coroutines
- auto backup (just set flag `world.needs_backup = True`)
- improved cpu and lizard statistcs charts

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